Just Thinking Back I don’t know for sure, perhaps it comes with age; nonetheless, there are times when I get up in the morning and think back, (over a great cup of coffee), to younger happier times, friends, jobs, school, and the list seems to go on and on. Today, while enjoying my coffee, I started to slip off thinking back, however, this time it was not nostalgia from the past, but considering the present to the recent past. Since I started writing a blog, on religion and politics I have often mentioned the Obama ‘shell game’, one of the tools used by Obama and the Central News and Propaganda Agency to keep the people’s focus on where they want, and keep issues buried until they have an opportunity to build a good sounding case, make it a non-issue, or use the ‘executive order’ to get it done. Do You Remember Me ? But that was not really the issue, as I t...