
Showing posts with the label Border Security


COULD IT BE, time for the grass-roots patriotic conservatives (including you fellow "Born again true” Christians) to get up off the recliner, roll up your sleeves and do something about all this BS mind control agenda and ideologies running chaotic in our streets?  There is not a news source on TV or the Newspapers that is any better than MSMBC, and Huffington Post; like water they have sought the course of least resistance, and the lowest point possible before going down the sewer.  The internet is the only hope for any sort of proven, verifiable, truthful news.  And it is getting harder to find straight forward truth as numerous once good sites like Town Hall, just becomes another pep-rally source for corruption and evil control of our once great nation. Yes, you armchair patriotic witty-mouthed ‘Monday morning quarterbacks’ who in most part don’t even say the right thing, just what sounds good, and other than that, remain nice and comfortable on your...

Islam Radical Terrorism in Paris

Islam Radical Terrorism in Paris   First let me extend my condolences to the nation of France, the families, loved ones, and friends to those who were lost in the most horrific, determined attack on citizens and police in Paris; our prayers are with you as victims of this insane madness.   This is not an isolated “or act of extremism” and why our Secretary of State will not call it “Muslim terrorists” I think it is about time we stop with the political correctness and say what it is.   We need to stop mollycoddling Islam; after all, the editor was asked by the French President to stop printing the cartoons about Mohammad and not to antagonize the Muslim terrorists.   His reply, was “he will not live on his knees”… and that is just what the UN is after, as they are making yet another attack on free speech, and freedom of the press.   Our President who will do anything he can to mollycoddle the Muslim Brotherhood. The citizens of France, Engl...

When was...

When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking and praying about Brian Terry and his family, about the other border agents that have died on duty?   Their families, need some answers, but Washington will not give them any.  Oh wow, they convicted a drug runner… more like a “gun runner”… but the top of the heap is Holder and Obama and our congress will not make them accountable… When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking about Benghazi and the brave Americans that gave their lives to the heathen Muslims.  Oh wow, they will convict some obscure Muslim who will think he will have his 70 virgins … but guess what that is a lie too. They are not waiting there for them… but Obama and Clinton will rot in their evil slim for their murders… but washing will not hold them accountable…  Nonetheless, I know the end of the story unfortunately, not everyone will enter into the Kingdom… I know that I know, it is ...


EVIL TRILOGY What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Man? In two words we can sum up the attributes of manifested evil in three of the most influential people in the United States of America.  Of course, there are more powerful evil people in the country, like George Soros, who is the real power supporting Obama’s ideologies.  However, I did not sit down to write about the evil of George Soros, I did sit down to just call attention to the Trilogy, and why is it that we, (Conservative Citizens) are afraid to call evil for what it is; EVIL?   Actually evil would be best summed as evil relates to the individual’s moral standards.  Think about it, it does not necessarily depend on ones relationship to Christ, most religions and Atheists recognize, (to some degree), evil and the antonym good.  What it does relate to and is part of is the character of the individual in relationship ethical conduct and moral standards of their character.  That is ...

Death and Poverty as Collateral Damage

On Immigration and Border Security Collateral Damage Immigration and Security is about VOTES  First, let’s get some things straight, I am against Amnesty in any form, nonetheless, we do have a problem which is not going to be easily solved especially the way congress is going after it.  Their motivation is not a secure border, it is not concerned about the thousands of Mexican nationals dying in the deserts of the southwest nor drowning in the river along the Texas line.  It is all about controlling votes and nothing more or nothing less.  The bureaucrats in Washington, on both sides of the isle want to do to the Mexican-American like they have been able to do with the African-Americans, in a sense, they will enslave them and the progressives in government, civil rights activists will be their new salve masters.  Thousands Die in the Desert The D...