
Showing posts with the label congress

Something Is Rotten In America

Something Is Rotten In America What we are witness to is a massive criminal network Ray DiLorenzo Cover Story   By Ray DiLorenzo -- July 4, 2020  ( Bio and Archives) Prologue note by R.S. Helms:  This article is being posted, or rather, reposted from an article found in Canada Free Press newsletter.  I am researching for my sequel to "A Splintered Nation and A Broken Church," the sequel deals with what corruption and evil that has been going on in our nation and in the Christian Church since the 1960s and specifically since the Election of George HW Bush, through Obama leaving office.   This article is for anyone who still has somewhat of a sound mind, common sense, or people who have not been completely brainwashed by our liberal education system or have not lost their moral values and integrity altogether through social and political correctness culture change.  Too many voting Americans are uninformed voters and ...

What Happened to America?

What Happened to America? The only way to post this to Facebook, Tweeter and LinkedIn is to cut-paste it like this and then either blog it or just post it if I can … it is worth reading a letter by a Democrat to a Senator.   (I inserted the Constitution)… Nonetheless, E M Rowell is a friend who I follow.   And I got this in an email notification.   Constitution illustration added by R.S. Helms Re-Posted By: R.S. Helms E M Rowell                                  8:38 AM (1 hour ago) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 1:26 PM Subject: What happened to America...? To:  Good Letter from a Democrat. ...
What the Prime Minister’s Speech Told Me     After reading some of the comments on the Netanyahu speech.   And what some of our democratic politicians said about Netanyahu brings me near a point of throwing up.   Things they said he said when he didn’t, and not once did he insult the intelligence of the U.S. as good ol’ “we have to vote on it to see what is in it”… Pelosi.   I noticed she took plenty of opportunities to show her true retched self, really a class act. And I think that Rand Paul, although standing and applauding, could have shown that he actually cared about what a real leader had to say about the danger this “bad deal” puts the nation that he loves, at least as a politician running for President, I know that because of that, I would rather vote for a RINO progressive.   His lame response showed he and Obama didn’t like Prime Minister or the speech or both. But all you spineless liberal anti-Christian anti-Jew; Islam lo...
When Dreams Speak Everyone who dreams, has the occasion to dream lucid real-life dreams.  I had such a dream last night about an opportunity to tell Obama to get out of my home, to get his dufuss companion and get out.    It was a dream where my hands did not work well, so I could not make a fist to strike the dufuss he had there lying for him, or get hold of him.  I was, however, able to shove them out the door, to his waiting secret service agents, and instead of a limo, he had an old ghetto cruiser pimpmobile.  But in the dream I had the chance to really call him a liar of liars, traitor, narcissistic, schizophrenic, Muslim communist, evil madman  whose ideologies, and agenda is set on destroying this nation, at which his dufuss said I was surely a cracker racist.  I guess God allowed this dream to happen to release all the built up frustration and fretting over this mi...


FIX THE PROBLEM! The Washington Naval Yard rampage, is only a day old and my heartfelt prayers for the victims and their families have and are going before the Lord.  My deepest thanks to the multitude of brave young men and women who responded to this senseless tragedy, thank you. With that said, I would like to address this post as more of an open letter to all the politicians, activist, and especially to Obama and his administration.  FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM!  I do believe that anyone with any brain cells at all can add one plus one equals two, add one more and you have three, and so on.  Nevertheless, it does seem to me that all the anti-gun activists do not have the sense that God blessed the goose with!  However, let me be redundant again and say in the simplest of terms; mental problems are the connecting points, and do not let the liberal psychologist, and psychiatrist make their bid for people’s rights, that ice is getting problematically t...

Jihad, Denying it Don't Change it!

Jihad   Basic With Islam-- Jihad!    What is happening with Syria?  Is what Obama has done to the United States, actually the possible beginning of World War Three?  It is early on Sunday morning, yes, it is just two minutes after four, although I have been researching material for several days I have not reached a real reason for the United States to become involved in this civil war; other than Obama Saving face and his relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood. We have two major players in the civil war, Bashar Hafez al-Assad, the President of Syria, and the General Secretary of the Ba’ath Party and regional Secretary of the party’s branch in Syria.  It is the 100,000 or so rebels who seek to ouster the Ba’ath Party and al-Assad from power. Of that, all are Muslim, with the notable exception of 1% Christian, and 3% Druze,(Hebrew background calling themselves “Monotheists”), nonetheless, the Sunni sect is dominant with 74% of the pop...