
Showing posts with the label regulatory Agencies


The Americans for Limited Government Foundation released  a report  written by Natalia Castro that finds rampant abuse and inefficiency within the U.S. Civil Service. “In order to limit the government and drain the swamp, managers in the federal government must be able to fire poor performing employees on an expedited basis. Right now, the current system protects bad employees. What was supposed to be a merit system has turned into an entitlement system for insulated, unaccountable federal employees. To drain the swamp, we have to be able to fire the swamp,” Rick Manning, President of the Americans for Limited Government Foundation, said. Castro outlined the history of positive reforms that prevented employees from being hired and fired on a partisan basis. However, the increased influence of unions gave employees extraordinary protection. “In order for the American people to trust the effectiveness of the bureaucracy, protections were put in place to eliminate ...

Just Think'n Still

We have all agreed, (perhaps three or four of you) That what I have to say is actually relevant to things that matters… sometimes it is like writing to aliens in space and the signal just keeps going on forever.   Like the tree in the forest making a sound if no one is there to hear it.   Nevertheless, I just keep on sending the signal, and making a voice even if there is no one there to hear it, just on the chance it does make a sound. I am doing a study/opinion that I will post on my website, entitled “the tail wagging the dog”, and it will deal with our Republic being a democracy where the majority is supposed to rule.   That is until the liberal ideology of the minority should rule, gained prominence under the façade of “equality”… and any opposition to activists movements would be an affront to a minority’s civil right of equality… equality is in fact guaranteed under the constitution, if fact, it is equal opportunity, equal access, equal treatment u...