Christians & COVID-19 The crisis we find ourselves in today, as Christian, we certainly need to be doing more. Doing more, indeed, as you may come to understand in the subsequent “Could it Be” scenarios which are from scripture and address the American Christian and our present crisis as a Christian. Could it be, Okay, mini-sermons, (if there is such a thing), however, the purpose of this article is to get the Christian as well as the nonbeliever to renew an intimate love relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ, renewal for the Christian, if indeed, they were actually born-again Christians in the first place. For the nonbeliever, it is simple, a simple warning across the bow of life as you have been able to live it in a nation set apart for Christians. God warned the Hebrews in Egypt of the coming tenth plague, the plague of the death of the first-born, and should you read Exodus chapters 11-13, you will see the warning and the shield of sur...
Showing posts with the label Jesus
Finding the Truth
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Finding the Truth While rewriting the introduction to my book, I started the morning by looking at headlines in my emails which in most part was simply reruns of liberal fake news, and the conservative habit of helping the liberal’s distribution of their propaganda. We fail to research who actually wrote the story, that is when they actually ascribe their name and date to it. We fail to do the proper research for the truth. We, at times, simply trust in sources that we have followed because they posted a story that was pro-conservative or pro-patriotic, and are not what they make themselves out to be. We need to research who made the original post, and get to know the credibility of truth, otherwise we are simply and blindly falling victim to a liberal scheme to distribute bits and pieces of propaganda. Infiltration of our ranks is rampant and very effective. Research is a necessity of finding the truth. Otherwise we only have a sub...
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GOD BLESS THOSE WHO MOURN… I begin, with a sincere, heartfelt condolence to the families, loved ones, and friends of the fallen Dallas policemen, who sacrificed their lives that the community of Dallas would be safe. I will spend time in prayer for you the families and loved ones who are morning your personal loss. I pray not for their behalf, but for yours, your comfort, and peace to come over you as you grieve with a broken heart. You are the personal side of the character of our law enforcement officers, and as such, deserving of our prayers, I am part of the mass who are effected by the tragic loss of such selfless public servants. Recognizing the vast differences in the essence of our loss, makes it my Christian obligation, and my civic duty, to join you in the mourning and prayers during this time, fitting to remember our servant heroes, and to honor them in memorial. I thank them for their service, and know that the community of Dallas wi...
The Faithful Church
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The Church at Philadelphia – The Faithful Church. We started this series with the church that lost its first love, and now with the sixth church we find the “Faithful church.” As our text so indicates, it is a church of faithfulness, The more the reason to word search problematic words in the Bible to understand the intent and particular meaning; it does make a difference. The Book of Revelation, chapter 3:7—13. Verse 7). “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.’ 8). ‘I know your works, See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’ 9). ‘Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and...
The Dead Church...
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BY: R.S. Helms The Dead Church BY: R.S. HELMS The Dead Church The church at Sardis , the second that Jesus had no good thing to say, but a church that had enough people left in the congregation, who possessed enough genuine spirituality that life, (genuine Spirit filled life), was possible. Revival was not a condition no longer attainable for this church, which, in Jesus’ words when speaking to the Pharisees, ‘like a whitewashed sepulchre, clean on the outside, but inside, full of dead men’s bones.’(My paraphrase). The church “appeared” to be vibrant and alive, but only a few left who were alive spiritually. Rev. 3:1—6… 1). “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write. These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: ‘I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 3). ‘Be watchful...
When was...
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When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking and praying about Brian Terry and his family, about the other border agents that have died on duty? Their families, need some answers, but Washington will not give them any. Oh wow, they convicted a drug runner… more like a “gun runner”… but the top of the heap is Holder and Obama and our congress will not make them accountable… When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking about Benghazi and the brave Americans that gave their lives to the heathen Muslims. Oh wow, they will convict some obscure Muslim who will think he will have his 70 virgins … but guess what that is a lie too. They are not waiting there for them… but Obama and Clinton will rot in their evil slim for their murders… but washing will not hold them accountable… Nonetheless, I know the end of the story unfortunately, not everyone will enter into the Kingdom… I know that I know, it is ...
Happy New Year to You All.
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As I sit in my living room listening to the insufferable sound of exploding fireworks a few doors away, wondering why it is, at the oncoming of a holiday, (don’t make a difference which one), some yahoos have to start several days early, and have their grand-finale on the eve of the holiday? I don’t know the answer, however, I do know that it is something I don’t look forward to, with the approaching holiday. Christmas of course is history, I had a wonderful Christmas and hope that all of you had a good one as well. I don’t look forward to the New Year, as there does not seem to be nothing exciting happening in 2012. Some things will improve because it is an election year, and the present administration will do what ever it takes, to make us think things are getting better, however, the opponents will attempt to counter with their own ideology for their benefit. What may appear on the surface to be a good thing, in truth, it is seldom what it seems....