Jesus wrote on the ground

Jesus Wrote on the Ground The Supreme Court decided public prayer at a public meeting was constitutional. That is a great decision on their part; however, it has some of the anti Christians, anti God people hopping mad. There have been many posts and comments from both sides of the argument, many yeas, and some nay. Bear in mind however, that both liberal and progressive bureaucrats have had their negative comments. For me, I am rejoicing in the Lord over the victory, they would not get so “red-faced” if it did not hit home. After reading a cartoon posted in the TownHall conservative webzine, I commented about something about how prayer in public reveals the sin of those listening. That reminded me of a sermon I once wrote and delivered, “Jesus started to write on the ground”, it comes from the book of John 8 th chapter and verses 3 —11. Couple of points, concerning SIN our sin and how ...