
Showing posts with the label activists

Something Is Rotten In America

Something Is Rotten In America What we are witness to is a massive criminal network Ray DiLorenzo Cover Story   By Ray DiLorenzo -- July 4, 2020  ( Bio and Archives) Prologue note by R.S. Helms:  This article is being posted, or rather, reposted from an article found in Canada Free Press newsletter.  I am researching for my sequel to "A Splintered Nation and A Broken Church," the sequel deals with what corruption and evil that has been going on in our nation and in the Christian Church since the 1960s and specifically since the Election of George HW Bush, through Obama leaving office.   This article is for anyone who still has somewhat of a sound mind, common sense, or people who have not been completely brainwashed by our liberal education system or have not lost their moral values and integrity altogether through social and political correctness culture change.  Too many voting Americans are uninformed voters and ...


The Americans for Limited Government Foundation released  a report  written by Natalia Castro that finds rampant abuse and inefficiency within the U.S. Civil Service. “In order to limit the government and drain the swamp, managers in the federal government must be able to fire poor performing employees on an expedited basis. Right now, the current system protects bad employees. What was supposed to be a merit system has turned into an entitlement system for insulated, unaccountable federal employees. To drain the swamp, we have to be able to fire the swamp,” Rick Manning, President of the Americans for Limited Government Foundation, said. Castro outlined the history of positive reforms that prevented employees from being hired and fired on a partisan basis. However, the increased influence of unions gave employees extraordinary protection. “In order for the American people to trust the effectiveness of the bureaucracy, protections were put in place to eliminate ...


Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out,’ Retired NASA Physicist Says Posted Monday, November 27, 2017   |   By Collaborative Correspondent   |   3 Comments Share Tweet Email HOUSTON—Unvalidated climate models that don’t correspond with physical data and the requirements of the scientific method contribute to unfounded climate alarmism, a retired NASA physicist said at the Heartland Institute’s recent  America First Energy Conference . Since America’s national security depends in part on energy security, unsubstantiated claims about global warming that prevent policymakers from making “rational decisions” with regard to the development of U.S. energy resources have become a national security threat, said Hal Doiron, a 16-year NASA veteran. The “propaganda” underpinning climate alarmism is “causing tremendous political bottlenecks” that prevent government officials from “doing the right...


COULD IT BE, time for the grass-roots patriotic conservatives (including you fellow "Born again true” Christians) to get up off the recliner, roll up your sleeves and do something about all this BS mind control agenda and ideologies running chaotic in our streets?  There is not a news source on TV or the Newspapers that is any better than MSMBC, and Huffington Post; like water they have sought the course of least resistance, and the lowest point possible before going down the sewer.  The internet is the only hope for any sort of proven, verifiable, truthful news.  And it is getting harder to find straight forward truth as numerous once good sites like Town Hall, just becomes another pep-rally source for corruption and evil control of our once great nation. Yes, you armchair patriotic witty-mouthed ‘Monday morning quarterbacks’ who in most part don’t even say the right thing, just what sounds good, and other than that, remain nice and comfortable on your...

Get over yourself... please.

Step Back and Get Honest! An open letter to whoever Dear Whoever, Should you be easily offended, or easily provoked to violence, and are my FB friend, Tweeter friend, G+ circle connection, or a LinkedIn friend. You might go ahead and unfriend me and delete this post from your computer because your home may be raided and your computer taken from you and held against you.  If you are a Liberal Troll you may as well read it and perhaps by the mercy of God you can wake up; the same goes for the supporters of the “new” Establishment RINO Republican Party, (same as the Establishment arm of the Democratic Party), because the fight has never been about Cruz and Trump, it has been about the Establishment RINO elite against Cruz and Trump, but until Cruz pulled his Esau trick, and sold his soul for his inheritance (politically speaking), okay so now I have offended the Christians who are so full of themselves that they think they can read God’s mind in the matter of who is a g...

What Happened to America?

What Happened to America? The only way to post this to Facebook, Tweeter and LinkedIn is to cut-paste it like this and then either blog it or just post it if I can … it is worth reading a letter by a Democrat to a Senator.   (I inserted the Constitution)… Nonetheless, E M Rowell is a friend who I follow.   And I got this in an email notification.   Constitution illustration added by R.S. Helms Re-Posted By: R.S. Helms E M Rowell                                  8:38 AM (1 hour ago) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 1:26 PM Subject: What happened to America...? To:  Good Letter from a Democrat. ...