Saving the Church in America.

There exists today a definite social persecution of Christianity, the church, and Jesus Christ.  Trying to remove Jesus (Christianity), from the public square and all symbols of this nation’s heritage of Christianity and being a Christian Nation is starting to work.  First with the folks attending and being involved in regular church, they are falling away and I put a lot of blame at the pastors door, because of losing the tax exempt status, and losing members that may be offended by what would be a conservative point of view, today’s preachers and pastors dance around political issues, or simply will not be involved from the pulpit.

It is sort of what happened to the sermons addressing sin, they slowly left the dialogue other than to say that Jesus forgives sin, and Jesus came into the world to redeem us from sin.  It is but a handful of churches that address sin, and especially the sin of our social environment.  I was not a great fan of Jerry Falwell with his Moral Majority movement, but one thing he did, he put sin out there and did not try to butter it up, or water it down.  He did not care if it was a Republican or Democrat he went head to head with politicians, educators, clergy, denominations, foreign governments for their sin, or ideologies that were sinful and against the teaching of the Bible.

We need a prominent preacher to step up and tell it like it is.  The church will be diminishing as the assaults from the liberal community, liberal theologies, and politicians who claim to be Christian, yet from the other side of their mouths belittle and assault Christianity.  Some denominations have stood for biblical Christianity only to get weak-kneed and ‘boo-hoo’ someone called them a bad name!  For fifty or more years people have been calling Christians bad names.  It has been ever creeping along; Satan himself tries every trick in the book and would be for inventing a few more if need be.  I believe this administration has done more harm to the Christian church, than any number combined from the past.

Christians have been fighting nonbelievers for … well since we were first called Christian at Antioch.  The Apostle Paul wrote that we need to “stand fast (firm, unmovable), in the faith”  that means the Christian faith, and without compromise.  Problem is, the carnal Christian don’t have the commitment to Christ as they do to the world, (secular) or the social political influence of the liberal ideologies, and the Christian of today is not prepared or equipped to withstand the wiles of Satan and his vast army.

Read Revelations chapters 2&3 notice the seven churches of Asia minor, people look at them literally, some not metaphorically; some think that they are all about the universal church of Jesus Christ, and the conditions that it goes through.  Some think of them as a warning from God for the church at large,  I cannot disagree, nevertheless, I see these seven churches pertaining not only to the church at large, but the local church, and the individual Christian, now I can fit the United States in there.  I believe that the United States is a country provided by God, I firmly believe that the United States is a Christian nation!  Our morals, principals, and values at one time were godly,  and it all came from the Christians who just happened to be getting this thing started, devout men, who (not all being Christian) put into place the things that made us a great nation.  Christian principals, values, morals, and integrity.  Some are still with us, perhaps a little worn, frazzled, and hard to recognize; but in the hearts of all free men, they can be found.

It is a shame when being politically correct trumps the values and integrity of the nations people, and before she lost the office of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was setting the “politically correctness” and at the time it was over “prisoner of war”.  It makes me ill to think that some one with the moral values and zero integrity, tells a nation what to say, how to act, and what is right and wrong!

In answer to the question which was put forward, “how do we save the church in America”?  we stand firm, we return to our first love, (Rev. 2: Ephesus, the church that lost its first love.) that it is time to stop hiding silently in our comfortable sanctuaries, safe from the criticism of fools and the demonization of a radical left wing liberal who’s goal is a nation that is a socialist dictatorship, with no God but him!  We need to get pro-actively on the offensive and do the right thing.

The right thing is to, yes, return to the core values this nation had when our president didn’t denounce the United States of America as a Christian nation, and return to the Christian nation with the Christian values and integrity that made us great!  Then we would not have a Supreme Court, hearing the matter of “same sex marriage” being constitutional, of course it is not in the constitution!  Never the less, the court will make it law, sidestepping congress who is supposed to make the law.

We now have a nation that believes lying is a justifiable means to get what you want; a nation that believes we all should be dependent on the government for our existence, including all individual responsibility; a government that teaches against free enterprise, and capitalism; a government that takes from those who earned their fortune, (it does not matter in what generation it was earned and worked for to achieve it was still someone working hard and smart to provide wealth for his/her family), but the wealth of others and give it to the ones who don’t work, or even believe in it!  (now that is not being politically correct J)…. 

What’s it going to take?  It is going to take some committed Christians that don’t mind taking some harsh criticism from the radical left liberals,  (even the ones that claim to be Christian – i.e. Rev. Wright, and a host of liberal theologians, or “liberation theologians”; Muslims, and Atheists.  Individual Christians and denominations true and committed believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, (not the nut cake radicals), to stand up and stand firm in the faith, and speak out!   This is a Christian nation built on Christian principals, by Christian for fathers who came here to be able to freely believe and worship as they saw fit, AND THAT THE GOVERNMENT COULD NOT ESTABLISH, (look up the definition in an English dictionary!) and that the people were free to worship as they wanted … Publically.  The church needs to get back to the intent of the and actual meaning of “church and state”  it was not intended, nor did it say that we remove God from the public square.

I fear, that until we can come together as Christians and some brave soul for Jesus, stands up and puts together another “moral majority” and have the Christians (real Christians) back them up! I was never a big fan of Jerry Falwell, nonetheless, I was a big fan for what he was doing!  The Christian community will continue to be divided by the President, and the liberal left.  We, the Christian community, will continue to lose whole denominations as we have during the first half of the Obama administration!  Conservative and moderate Christianity is the last standing and we need God to help us circle the wagons, dig in and fight back!  Don’t let the wimpy and watered down, politically correct gospel be the Christian voice for the Lord’s church!

… … More to come, this gets my goat, and I tend to start chasing rabbits. (not one but bunches),.



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