
Showing posts with the label churches
By:  R.S. Helms It may be a change to read about something positive, or at least as the Lord viewed the church at Smyrna.   This is a church, which may well reflect in the universal church, your local church, and of course, the church is people, it is a good standard to judge our personal spiritual position. The word Smyrna has as its root, the word myrrh is a substance that has the sweet smell and used in the making of perfume, incense, and medicine.   Smyrna was a beautiful city with rich farmland; and often referred to as the ‘crown of Asia.’   Nonetheless, it was also the center of Caesar-worship in Asia Minor; the infamous ‘golden street’ that ran from the harbor up to Mt. Pagos.   Along the way one passed by an imposing array of pagan temples to Cybele, Apollo, Aesculapius, Aphrodite, and Zeus.   Yet, there was a Christian church, which would only relate to the persecution that the Christians underwent.   It was the martyr Polyca...

Where is the Church?

Where is the Christian Church? It Appears Dead Has the church lost its influence in America?  I for one do not believe it has, it may be somewhat misplaced, but that may be God’s plan to prune some of the ‘dead wood’ from the tree.  Several denominations have declared their progressive politically correct liberal views.  Many Christians today simply do not use the word “sin” or admit there is such a thing. The liberals have set the talking points, demonizing Christianity to the point that it is embarrassing to hear the stupidity pouring from their mouths, or in most cases written across a comment space after a story.  If you don’t believe that just visit my e-mail or view a comment section of a Christian story.  The loss of values in this nation is linked or is a result of the assault on faith in Jesus.  Liberals have provided a platform for all types of special interest (sin) groups...

getting worse before it gets better

Christian Persecution Being a dinner for a lion The gospel of Mark was penned AD 64, after a fire destroyed most of the city. Four districts were untouched, three completely reduced to ash, leaving seven in some sort of destruction, which brought about rumors that the emperor was behind it. This was countered by blame being leveled at the Christians. Of course Christians became the focus of government persecution, many was arrested and tortured then put to death, most was sentenced to death. This led to the climate of uncertainty for the Christian, as an invitation to make several choices: 1) Deny the Lordship of Jesus, and affirm the pagan gods and loyalty to the emperor. Thinking in the weakness of their faith, that God was unable to defend them. 2) They could become as the chameleon and change, only not color but gods, and just melt away into the mass of humanity. 3) They could fall into a state of apathy waiting to be found out, draining their spirits and stre...

The Christmas War Continues

The Christmas war continues and the battle intensifies with each year of celebration.   You would think that the Atheist, and others, (including some so-called Christian denominations), or maybe being politically correct is more important than defending the time honored celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.   Monroe, Louisiana is no exception to the rule, the battle wages here just as any other place in the nation, and the Christian Clergy apparently is going along with the liberal mindset.   Let the battle wage in the social setting as long as our churches keep Jesus as the focus.   However, it is not unlike other modern culture issues about Christianity, and soon Christmas will not be about the time-honored celebration of the birth of Christ.   The whole liberal reason behind the battle is that Jesus offends some individuals.   So in keeping with what is politically correct, ( thou shalt not offend the heathen,) or, the majority should not offend an...

The ambitious presumption of what God wants

The ambitious presumption of what God wants, can lead to ruin in every corner of our lives and eventually our faith.   There have been good churches, which are growing and doing fine, they invest in the community outside the church, as well as the members of the congregation.   However we cut it, one thing must remain  foremost in the mind of each individual and that is doing the will of God not the will of man as it is in my own understanding.   At one point in time, it was godly ambition that moved the church forward, and it was a time when being a Christian was popular.   Now being Christian is no longer popular, and political correctness has went to the forefront of social popularity.   Churches have slowly moved from what is righteous in the eye of God to the what is acceptable in the eye of the social environment.   The enticement of growing larger churches have set in action a tidal wave of user friendly churches to meet the demand of ...