
Showing posts with the label political agenda

Finding the Truth

Finding the Truth While rewriting the introduction to my book, I started the morning by looking at headlines in my emails which in most part was simply reruns of liberal fake news, and the conservative habit of helping the liberal’s distribution of their propaganda.   We fail to research who actually wrote the story, that is when they actually ascribe their name and date to it.   We fail to do the proper research for the truth. We, at times, simply trust in sources that we have followed because they posted a story that was pro-conservative or pro-patriotic, and are not what they make themselves out to be.   We need to research who made the original post, and get to know the credibility of truth, otherwise we are simply and blindly falling victim to a liberal scheme to distribute bits and pieces of propaganda.   Infiltration of our ranks is rampant and very effective. Research is a necessity of finding the truth.   Otherwise we only have a sub...

The church of compromise...

The Compromising Church...  By: R.S. Helms The Church at Pergamos (Pergamum) noted as the “Compromising” church. As belonging to a compromising church, or as compromising your intimate love relationship with Jesus, Lord and Savior, is doubtful what He would expect from us.   This article might put pressure on us as to examining our positional relationship to Christ.   What Theology does your church follow?   Could it be, Progressive, Liberal, or perhaps Liberation, maybe it is still Conservative, Orthodox.   Let us see, what Jesus has to say about our compromise?   Perhaps we are still fighting for the Authentic Christianity as built on the Petra, the mantle rock of Jesus, as He Himself intended.   Jesus the Son of God, God incarnate never changes, neither does His church.   Revelations chapter two, beginning with verse 12; (Rev. 2:12),    12). “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says ...

Just Think'n Still

We have all agreed, (perhaps three or four of you) That what I have to say is actually relevant to things that matters… sometimes it is like writing to aliens in space and the signal just keeps going on forever.   Like the tree in the forest making a sound if no one is there to hear it.   Nevertheless, I just keep on sending the signal, and making a voice even if there is no one there to hear it, just on the chance it does make a sound. I am doing a study/opinion that I will post on my website, entitled “the tail wagging the dog”, and it will deal with our Republic being a democracy where the majority is supposed to rule.   That is until the liberal ideology of the minority should rule, gained prominence under the façade of “equality”… and any opposition to activists movements would be an affront to a minority’s civil right of equality… equality is in fact guaranteed under the constitution, if fact, it is equal opportunity, equal access, equal treatment u...
Manufactured Poverty TV ad for poverty in third world country Often, a TV ad will air, showing the extreme poverty in a third-world country; showing some of the children looking bad enough to break the flintiest heart.  Of course, they will, that is what it is designed to do, appeal to the heart and compassion of the viewer. Getting water for family  These children are positioned around old nasty water drainage; all are made for TV rag-urchins pleading for your American dollar, which by the way seldom puts adequate food, clean water, clothing, and proper shelter in that outreached hand.  There are wonderful faith-based organizations, which do a great job with global poverty, do not mistake what is being written as a blanket condemnation of all those who are trying to help.  The point is; what is Washington’s idea on stopping the hemorrhaging?  Look at the federal budget, Washington is throwing money at poverty programs, (more th...