
Showing posts with the label Jonathan Evans


We Need Another Great Awakening Reblogged on R.S. Helms Commentary from WOW! Magazine Is Jordan Peterson the avatar of a 21st century Great Awakening? by Bookworm The Jordan Peterson event I attended was a "happening" that made me think Americans are craving a spiritual Great Awakening that will bind us as a nation. For some time now I have had running through my brain the thought that America needs a Great Awakening along the lines of the First Great Awakening in 1730s and 1740s. Large segments of America are suffering from spiritual malaise. America's inner cities are in a state of despair and disrepair, plagued by high crime, high poverty, missing fathers, and a general sense of apocalyptic failure. The inner cities, though, are only the most visible symptom of a nationwid...