
Showing posts with the label social Justice.

When was...

When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking and praying about Brian Terry and his family, about the other border agents that have died on duty?   Their families, need some answers, but Washington will not give them any.  Oh wow, they convicted a drug runner… more like a “gun runner”… but the top of the heap is Holder and Obama and our congress will not make them accountable… When was the last day you spent more than five minutes thinking about Benghazi and the brave Americans that gave their lives to the heathen Muslims.  Oh wow, they will convict some obscure Muslim who will think he will have his 70 virgins … but guess what that is a lie too. They are not waiting there for them… but Obama and Clinton will rot in their evil slim for their murders… but washing will not hold them accountable…  Nonetheless, I know the end of the story unfortunately, not everyone will enter into the Kingdom… I know that I know, it is ...

Where is the Church?

Where is the Christian Church? It Appears Dead Has the church lost its influence in America?  I for one do not believe it has, it may be somewhat misplaced, but that may be God’s plan to prune some of the ‘dead wood’ from the tree.  Several denominations have declared their progressive politically correct liberal views.  Many Christians today simply do not use the word “sin” or admit there is such a thing. The liberals have set the talking points, demonizing Christianity to the point that it is embarrassing to hear the stupidity pouring from their mouths, or in most cases written across a comment space after a story.  If you don’t believe that just visit my e-mail or view a comment section of a Christian story.  The loss of values in this nation is linked or is a result of the assault on faith in Jesus.  Liberals have provided a platform for all types of special interest (sin) groups...
Follow Up, (or beating a dead horse). The Cry For 'Justice' Continues             I was rather upset over the way the Zimmerman vs black racists America became the red meat the media.  And we all witnessed how they served it up.  But it is now beyond the hearing to increase his bail, because he and his family was lying about their wealth, wealth that was not there until people started sending money, which was not until after the first bail hearing.  One should wonder if everything is not as it appears.  Of course, not, the liberal media has shown its dirty underwear on this one from the get-go.  I do not need to go into the way the media chopped, spliced, and contorted the whole incident.  In addition, today they are still showing the pictures of the innocent fifteen-year-old boy.  I read a piece about the lawyer who chased this story right to the doorstep of Sybrina...