EVIL TRILOGY What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Man? In two words we can sum up the attributes of manifested evil in three of the most influential people in the United States of America. Of course, there are more powerful evil people in the country, like George Soros, who is the real power supporting Obama’s ideologies. However, I did not sit down to write about the evil of George Soros, I did sit down to just call attention to the Trilogy, and why is it that we, (Conservative Citizens) are afraid to call evil for what it is; EVIL? Actually evil would be best summed as evil relates to the individual’s moral standards. Think about it, it does not necessarily depend on ones relationship to Christ, most religions and Atheists recognize, (to some degree), evil and the antonym good. What it does relate to and is part of is the character of the individual in relationship ethical conduct and moral standards of their character. That is ...