
Showing posts with the label Iranian Jihad

Just Stopped By...

Just Stopped By…   BY:  R.S. Helms   I just stopped by , while passing through this old world on my way to glory.  I am just a sojourner traveling through this old world, headed to a new place, a kingdom, which we really cannot conceive of its wonder.   True, I am for a while, a citizen of this once great nation; and great it can be again, if we invite the right leadership to influence our ways.   Unfortunately, most of the leadership at this point is under a strong delusion, an evil delusion, and although two powers have different means to get where they are going, where they are going is the same.   That same end that falls under an even stronger, more evil delusion and one that will bring devastation to our nation as a free republic one nation under God.   With three generations gently pushed toward believing that Satan does not exist, nor does hell, and if there really is a God, he is a God of love, and will not all...
What the Prime Minister’s Speech Told Me     After reading some of the comments on the Netanyahu speech.   And what some of our democratic politicians said about Netanyahu brings me near a point of throwing up.   Things they said he said when he didn’t, and not once did he insult the intelligence of the U.S. as good ol’ “we have to vote on it to see what is in it”… Pelosi.   I noticed she took plenty of opportunities to show her true retched self, really a class act. And I think that Rand Paul, although standing and applauding, could have shown that he actually cared about what a real leader had to say about the danger this “bad deal” puts the nation that he loves, at least as a politician running for President, I know that because of that, I would rather vote for a RINO progressive.   His lame response showed he and Obama didn’t like Prime Minister or the speech or both. But all you spineless liberal anti-Christian anti-Jew; Islam lo...