
Showing posts with the label christian


It’s Time To Make the Church Great Again! Some backbone needed! … Apply at the Cross of Jesus. As I go through the email each day, I have started to eliminate 95% of it, because the election is over and the people have chosen President Elect Donald Trump.   Nonetheless, the Mainstream Media (including Fox, Townhall, and the almost forgotten Blaze of the GB network), simply have the conservative Social Media, in most part simply going over the manufactured news, time and time again, and the more it goes forward the more fake it becomes.   People need to simply see that liberal socialism is in serious trouble in the nation, and just make a stand for making America great again, then simply commit to boycott the organizations and business’ that keep this crap alive.   If you do not react to their mindless stupidity, their evil values.   Stop watching the liberal BS on TV they will not win. For conservative fundamental Christians, we absolutely must drop the anx...

The Corrupt Church of Thyatira..

 By: R.S. Helms The church at Thyatira, the corrupt church.   Today there are a number of churches and denominations of the Christian faith that fall into this category.   This is one of the churches that some of the most corrupt Christians deny they belong.   Perhaps it is one of the reasons that some mainline denominations are losing people, and churches.   Part of the reason that so many millennials deny being Christian at all.   After all, Christianity has many houses, and not all of them are without fault.   Jesus’ letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor demonstrate two of seven have a problem; this could mean that two in every seven Christians have a problem. Rev. 2:18—29 … 29). “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write.   ‘These things says the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass.   19). ‘I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your work...

The Church at Ephesus

The Church at Ephesus The Church at Ephesus   Perhaps, there are those Christians in the church today who have never heard about the Seven Churches of Asia Minor, (Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ to St. John; chapter 2 – 3), there are some so-called Christians that do not read and study the Bible on a regular basis, and some preachers seldom preach from the book of Revelation. Nonetheless, the book is a wonderful book of study for the Christian, and the seven churches may be used very effectively for a measuring gage in three aspects of your spiritual wellness, as an individual, as a church, and as the church universal.   The conditions, which Jesus addresses, cycle through the Christian church experience, as well as the individual relationship of Christians to Christ.   The church at Ephesus, its history of spiritual good works for the kingdom, and its fault.   2  Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith ...

Teach Us to Pray...

Teach us to pray… D uring one of the many times that I truly examine my relationship with the Lord, I often find that I am not measuring up to what I preach.  What I preach is, the necessity of a consistent maintenance of that relationship, what I find is my life and actions are not hitting the mark, the prize that is laid before me seems unattainable.  Too often the sin of omission overtakes us while we journey through this world.  It is too easy to get away from being Christ centered and slip to the world, and our human nature.  Point is without the intimacy in our relationship with God it will become an estranged relationship.  It is in times like these that when we ask, and don’t receive, it is because we ask amiss; ask over a broken connection.  Sin, can be either in action, or in apathy; that does not change the fact that sin is sin and alienates us from the intimate love relat...

Jesus wrote on the ground

Jesus Wrote on the Ground The Supreme Court decided public prayer at a public meeting was constitutional.  That is a great decision on their part; however, it has some of the anti Christians, anti God people hopping mad.  There have been many posts and comments from both sides of the argument, many yeas, and some nay.  Bear in mind however, that both liberal and progressive bureaucrats have had their negative comments.  For me, I am rejoicing in the Lord over the victory, they would not get so “red-faced” if it did not hit home.  After reading a cartoon posted in the TownHall conservative webzine, I commented about something about how prayer in public reveals the sin of those listening.  That reminded me of a sermon I once wrote and delivered, “Jesus started to write on the ground”, it comes from the book of John 8 th chapter and verses 3 —11. Couple of points, concerning SIN our sin and how ...

If God Offends someone ...

What is important to you?  This “photo” was posted by one of my Facebook family, Terry Liner, who reposted it from one of his friends, I wanted to share it to more than just Facebook, and the blog is the way to do that.  A good post and a share request was enclosed so pass it on so you choose and thanks.

Beyond Disrespect..

Beyond Disrespect In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham asked the Lord to spare the city if he could find 50 righteous people. God responded to Abraham's plea "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all ...Genesis 18:16-33 The movie " Corpus Christi " is due to be released this June to August. It is a disgusting film set to appear in America later this year which depicts Jesus and his disciples as homosexuals! As a play, this has already been in theaters for a while. It's called "Corpus Christi" which means "The Body of Christ". It's a revolting mockery of our Lord. But we Christians can make a difference. That's why I am sending this e-mail to you. If you do send this around, we just might be able to prevent this film from being shown in Canada and America . Let's stand for what we believe and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Savior. Where do we stand...