
Showing posts with the label persecution

The Faithful Church

 The Church at Philadelphia – The Faithful Church.       We started this series with the church that lost its first love, and now with the sixth church we find the “Faithful church.”   As our text so indicates, it is a church of faithfulness, The more the reason to word search problematic words in the Bible to understand the intent and particular meaning; it does make a difference. The Book of Revelation, chapter 3:7—13.   Verse 7). “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.’   8). ‘I know your works, See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.’   9). ‘Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and...

If God Offends someone ...

What is important to you?  This “photo” was posted by one of my Facebook family, Terry Liner, who reposted it from one of his friends, I wanted to share it to more than just Facebook, and the blog is the way to do that.  A good post and a share request was enclosed so pass it on so you choose and thanks.
Have Conservatives Become So Stupefied, or Just Suckered? The conservative, (?), Republicans need to step back and look at the whole battlefield, not just the latest muzzle-flash.  Can you imagine a battle commander who loses the war because he spent the time and energy attempting to exploit and scrutinize each cannon muzzle-flash on the front line of the enemy?   He loses the war while attempting to win the newest conflict.  And that is where the Republican politicians are finding themselves.  Let’s look at the list of battles over the past four years; then look at the position we as conservative – freedom loving – constitutionalists find ourselves. We have the unresolved: ü   Black Panther voter intimidation scandal ü   The national debt, (17 trillion). ü   Deficit spending. ü   Jobs ü   Obamacare (socialized medicine). ü   Boarder Security     Law suit against Arizona for their own immigration law...

Where Are You?

Where Are You? Stand Firm in the Faith  This blog may be considered an open letter to the Christian Church, (all-inclusive), the universal church of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Collectively, that would mean all who are born again, regenerated, redeemed by Christ believer.  Whatever your relational position is with the Savior, only you can know.  It is time for us, (as professing Christians), to examine ourselves, instead of just going along with the flow of the world and the various forms of progressive religion, including those who are of false teachers; their motivation is of the world and not the Kingdom of God. I classify to whom I write this article because things of the spirit are not understood except by the Spirit.  That is why each individual born into this world, is born with a “measure of faith that they may first believe.”  To the non-believer to read this would be a total waist of time, because you will not understand what I ...