
Showing posts with the label corruption

Something Is Rotten In America

Something Is Rotten In America What we are witness to is a massive criminal network Ray DiLorenzo Cover Story   By Ray DiLorenzo -- July 4, 2020  ( Bio and Archives) Prologue note by R.S. Helms:  This article is being posted, or rather, reposted from an article found in Canada Free Press newsletter.  I am researching for my sequel to "A Splintered Nation and A Broken Church," the sequel deals with what corruption and evil that has been going on in our nation and in the Christian Church since the 1960s and specifically since the Election of George HW Bush, through Obama leaving office.   This article is for anyone who still has somewhat of a sound mind, common sense, or people who have not been completely brainwashed by our liberal education system or have not lost their moral values and integrity altogether through social and political correctness culture change.  Too many voting Americans are uninformed voters and ...


Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out,’ Retired NASA Physicist Says Posted Monday, November 27, 2017   |   By Collaborative Correspondent   |   3 Comments Share Tweet Email HOUSTON—Unvalidated climate models that don’t correspond with physical data and the requirements of the scientific method contribute to unfounded climate alarmism, a retired NASA physicist said at the Heartland Institute’s recent  America First Energy Conference . Since America’s national security depends in part on energy security, unsubstantiated claims about global warming that prevent policymakers from making “rational decisions” with regard to the development of U.S. energy resources have become a national security threat, said Hal Doiron, a 16-year NASA veteran. The “propaganda” underpinning climate alarmism is “causing tremendous political bottlenecks” that prevent government officials from “doing the right...
I Must Say... With the most recent go-around of attacks on the presidency of our nation, rather, against the Trump administration and the patriotic conservatives which most have a conservative Christian faith.   A faith that believes in the inerrancy, infallibility and the authority of the Bible.   The conservative patriots who are now called ‘nationalists’ who believe that the nation is a sovereign nation, and the greatest sovereign nation in the world. In our history, we have had our fair shares of deep troublesome valleys of which we the people have managed to overcome.   That is until liberalism has taken a new partner, a partner most foul, it is ‘globalism’ or in my studied opinion it should be called ‘Global Socialist Union’ (in order not to give the current activities to elude to the ‘one world government and one world church’ of the “Antichrist and the Beast” of the book of Revelation, which would only give opportunity to further use the Bible...

Finding the Truth

Finding the Truth While rewriting the introduction to my book, I started the morning by looking at headlines in my emails which in most part was simply reruns of liberal fake news, and the conservative habit of helping the liberal’s distribution of their propaganda.   We fail to research who actually wrote the story, that is when they actually ascribe their name and date to it.   We fail to do the proper research for the truth. We, at times, simply trust in sources that we have followed because they posted a story that was pro-conservative or pro-patriotic, and are not what they make themselves out to be.   We need to research who made the original post, and get to know the credibility of truth, otherwise we are simply and blindly falling victim to a liberal scheme to distribute bits and pieces of propaganda.   Infiltration of our ranks is rampant and very effective. Research is a necessity of finding the truth.   Otherwise we only have a sub...

Get over yourself... please.

Step Back and Get Honest! An open letter to whoever Dear Whoever, Should you be easily offended, or easily provoked to violence, and are my FB friend, Tweeter friend, G+ circle connection, or a LinkedIn friend. You might go ahead and unfriend me and delete this post from your computer because your home may be raided and your computer taken from you and held against you.  If you are a Liberal Troll you may as well read it and perhaps by the mercy of God you can wake up; the same goes for the supporters of the “new” Establishment RINO Republican Party, (same as the Establishment arm of the Democratic Party), because the fight has never been about Cruz and Trump, it has been about the Establishment RINO elite against Cruz and Trump, but until Cruz pulled his Esau trick, and sold his soul for his inheritance (politically speaking), okay so now I have offended the Christians who are so full of themselves that they think they can read God’s mind in the matter of who is a g...