What We Learn From The Wise Men ... part 2

BY: R.S. Helms T he Story of the Wise Men, the Magi who traveled from the East, guided by a star, seeking the new born king of Israel, is a part of the Christmas story that has a variety of meaningful applications, just as the part of the Shepherds tending their flocks, and the story would not be complete without all the parts, it is sort of like a four-part play, being played on the stage of the world. Nonetheless, we have Wise men, who knew of the prophecies of the Israelites, and more so the prophecies concerning their coming king. They searched the heavens for a sign, then, behold… a star appeared. One that they had never seen before, and strangely far brighter than all the others. Guess it was one of those “WOW!” moments that happen from time to time. The gospel of Matthew records this story as follows: Matthew. 2:1-12 1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came t...