The church of compromise...

The Compromising Church... By: R.S. Helms The Church at Pergamos (Pergamum) noted as the “Compromising” church. As belonging to a compromising church, or as compromising your intimate love relationship with Jesus, Lord and Savior, is doubtful what He would expect from us. This article might put pressure on us as to examining our positional relationship to Christ. What Theology does your church follow? Could it be, Progressive, Liberal, or perhaps Liberation, maybe it is still Conservative, Orthodox. Let us see, what Jesus has to say about our compromise? Perhaps we are still fighting for the Authentic Christianity as built on the Petra, the mantle rock of Jesus, as He Himself intended. Jesus the Son of God, God incarnate never changes, neither does His church. Revelations chapter two, beginning with verse 12; (Rev. 2:12), 12). “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says ...