Jihad,        Jihad,    Jihad!

My heartfelt prayers and condolences to the families and loved ones, of those brave and special Americans who were serving our nation in Libya.  The attack on the U.S. Consulate, at the hands of the Muslim Jihad terrorist, was an attack of war against American interests, and Americans representing our nation.

Ambassador    Chris Stevens    A Good Man


The Obama ideology
I really have a problem trying to get my mind around the ideology promoted by this administration there is no Jihad, no war on terror and there are only a few small groups of radical Muslim terrorist.  This rhetoric is what the administration would like us to believe; frankly, I am not brain dead, as they think the average American citizen must be.

It is not exactly rocket science to figure out.  Even some of the more apt minded liberals are insulted over being lied to.  Truth is, the jihad has been around for 1,370 or so years, they have had the opportunity to study several major wars world over, and the kings, dictators, Czars, and emperors who waged the campaigns against one another. 

1300 and some years is quite a long time to perfect their type of warfare, terror!  el-Qaeda is but one faction of hundreds; liken Islamic Jihadists to the great cedar of Lebanon, there is thousands of roots that go deep into the Lebanese  soil in order to feed the tree, and with the Islamic Jihadist groups; they to feed into one tree, Islamic jihad.

I am having the problem, in part, because the government continues to change the name and meaning of whom and why we are at war.  We are at war, not with terror as terror is the vehicle, which is used as part of the battle plan of Islamic jihad.  Nonetheless, the name changing for political advantage has Americans wondering what and whom it is that we are fighting.

Now that Osama bin-Laden has been killed, many people wonder why we are still having a problematic war in the Middle East?  This administration changed the name of the war, they no longer use the name Terrorist, (unless really pressed), but use el-Qaida, or Muslim extremists, then down-play them as being only small groups remaining since the killing of bin Laden, so many times it is pathetic! 

We are not at war with terror, but in fact, fighting a war of preservation.  The war was declared against Jews, Christians, Infidels, and us over 13 hundred years ago.  It is now against the U.S. and most of the western world, because we enjoy freedom, and the United States, has been, (and still is), known as a Christian nation worldwide. 

Jihad is a war that has been long in progression from its conception, and a war in which the Muslims have engaged in campaigns worldwide, not just in the Middle East. It is a war that will never end.

The Islamic terrorist Jihadists are patient and will do what it is that they do best, wait, and catch their enemy with their paints down.  The Muslim Brotherhood has it this way “patient Jihad will bring the world under Islam.”

 The anniversary of 9-11, a fifteen minute anti-Muslim movie trailer which had been posted to YouTube nearly two months prior, the Arabic translation was dubbed so poorly it was a comedy and not many hits.  Not enough Muslim hits to set the Middle East on fire!

It started with President Obama “spiking the ball” over killing bin-Laden, into the “Muslim spring” foreign policy.  Obama sent the world a message that al-Qaida was beaten and would soon be of no threat to the free world; but we would still need to be cautious. 

Then in the face of our allies and Israel telling us not to let our guard down or support the wrong groups, our president simply continued to apologize for America to our Muslim enemies; he was smarter than anyone; and America let its guard down.

 It started in Egypt by organizers getting Muslims upset and pointing them to the U.S. Embassy, where they not only burned the American flag, but raised the black JIHAD flag in its place.  A second grader would have been able to tell that this was not just a demonstration over a bad film clip that most, if any, had even viewed.

Forward then, to the early morning hours of 9-11 in Libya where under the cover of darkness a Jihad group al-Sharif, connected to al-Qaida, and armed with semi-auto medium bore (American military rifles?), RPG’s and body armor attacked the American Consulate’s office in Benghazi along with a “safe house”.  They killed the American Ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans who were there to protect him. 

Speaking of protection and security, according to documented whistle blowers, the State Department was notified at least eight times, that they were in emanate danger and requested additional security personnel.  Each time they were turned down by the state department, citing ‘they could and would not inject themselves in an ongoing dispute between the ‘Blue Mountain Security’ and the Libyan government who are responsible for the security.

Knowing that our diplomatic staff was warning the State Department of their dangerous and explosive situation, should call for an independent investigation and one not in house, Does Hillary really think the people are this dumb? 

We Will Let The Brotherhood Do It
During the aid we gave to the Muslims going up against their respective tyrannical rulers, in Egypt and Libya.   Our commander in chief, and Secretary of State, made it clear to the American people that we would supply only money and/or arms to the rag-tag militant protestors going up against their well equipped and armed armies; with a “let me make one thing clear” moment that we would not put “boots on the ground”.  Nonetheless, it was the Muslim Brotherhood, who would be receiving the money and/or arms. 

We are not being told the full extent of the way we supplied the arms, nor who brokered the arms deal.  Of course with most Americans at this point it does not matter who says what, if it is coming from the administration it will not be received as the truth.

Now, I will say it would make sense that the State Department authorized the deal, under the instructions of the Whitehouse and most likely picked the Ambassador to Libya to broker the deal.  Now that the fat woman is getting ready to sing, (moment of accountability), we have four dead Americans who were serving their country in some capacity.

 One was the highest-ranking U.S. official in Libya, Ambassador Stevens.  The American people need to know why, and if they bring up the film clip again, I do believe my head will explode. 

Truth is, the cover-up about lying to the people about what happened, is working as a diversion from revealing the whole truth, depth, and involvement of the administration in the Libyan attack.

The media is silent about it now, over-taken with the campaigning and up-coming debate, the president, and Hilary are off the radar for some reason, and Ambassador Rice has resigned, which is just as well, but she was a scapegoat for the administration’s cover-up.  How many more people will be thrown under the bus, before the media gets smart and holds the administration accountable?

The American people may never know the real Benghazi story, there are too many unanswered questions, and the Obama administration are the only ones who have the answers, perhaps some of the answers are revealed in Ambassador Stevens diary that the administration has, the CNN reporters, that found it are not saying anything at this time.

The only thing we get from the Whitehouse is the FBI is investigating as soon as they can get into the ‘crime scene’.  The FBI, the United States, for some reason cannot get into the crime scene, yet CNN was their the day after it went down!

Is it not about time we demand the WHY question be answered TRUTHFULLY by this Administration!



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