
Showing posts with the label politics

RINOs vs. Conservatives

By: R.S. Helms One thing we don’t need is more of this BS Republican fighting going on.  What does it take for the Republican Party leaders to realize that the grass roots Americans are sick and tired of the Establishment politicians in either Party? It is beyond time to stop listening to the profiteers and establishment politicians, the phony talk show hosts who have no interest except their own pockets and listening audience.  Greed, fame and celebrity,... power is their addiction, the fighting and division is making them money, and the more they get into it the higher the ratings.  The façade of them caring about our nation, our constitution, religious freedom, values, and all the counterfeit lies are nothing more than a means to feed their addiction and phony power. The country is in the toilet and socialism has its hand on the flusher, people wake up and smell the stench of what is happening!  And now is not the time to be listening to...

Just Think'n Still

We have all agreed, (perhaps three or four of you) That what I have to say is actually relevant to things that matters… sometimes it is like writing to aliens in space and the signal just keeps going on forever.   Like the tree in the forest making a sound if no one is there to hear it.   Nevertheless, I just keep on sending the signal, and making a voice even if there is no one there to hear it, just on the chance it does make a sound. I am doing a study/opinion that I will post on my website, entitled “the tail wagging the dog”, and it will deal with our Republic being a democracy where the majority is supposed to rule.   That is until the liberal ideology of the minority should rule, gained prominence under the façade of “equality”… and any opposition to activists movements would be an affront to a minority’s civil right of equality… equality is in fact guaranteed under the constitution, if fact, it is equal opportunity, equal access, equal treatment u...

Where is the Church?

Where is the Christian Church? It Appears Dead Has the church lost its influence in America?  I for one do not believe it has, it may be somewhat misplaced, but that may be God’s plan to prune some of the ‘dead wood’ from the tree.  Several denominations have declared their progressive politically correct liberal views.  Many Christians today simply do not use the word “sin” or admit there is such a thing. The liberals have set the talking points, demonizing Christianity to the point that it is embarrassing to hear the stupidity pouring from their mouths, or in most cases written across a comment space after a story.  If you don’t believe that just visit my e-mail or view a comment section of a Christian story.  The loss of values in this nation is linked or is a result of the assault on faith in Jesus.  Liberals have provided a platform for all types of special interest (sin) groups...

what is really going on?

What is really going on? Politicians keep us guessing First, somewhere in recent history, I wrote on the “shell game,” this article is still about the shell game, in a way.  In a way that this is an election year, (it seems every year is an election year); however, this year is somewhat different in as much as it may well be the dirtiest campaign in recent history.  From one side, any one who is a conservative or white Christian will be demonized as a racist. From the conservative side any one who is a liberal will be demonized as a socialist, welfare state which just wants the government to take the responsibly of life, and anti-constitutionalist.  These things will become the ingredients of the new shell game of addressing issues. One of the problems this presents is, the political shenanigans practiced in Washington not always are based on distraction, or the “shell game,” on the contrary, much of the deception smacks the conspiracy notion in the raw....

PB's Commentary catch-up

Hi there, this is not an endorsement of any political candidate, but the contrary, because politicians are simply politicians and it comes down to the one that can be believed the most to do most of what he or she says they will do. Who Will it be?                                                                  With that in mind, who do you think will win the Republican nomination?  Nonetheless, we have one which has never been connected to actual politics, and why should we waste a good man on the likes of our congress and administration, that would come under the heading of blood sacrifice, without any atonement!  From the two top runners in this bid for the formal Whitehouse bid, we get politics and politics, with Romney we have a politician, and with Cain we have that, which we should have had three ...
What's Wrong ? I really need to pay more attention to my blog.   It has been some time since I last posted a new article, (blog), however, in the condition the nation is in with no economy change in sight, and the “non-inflation” starting to take its toll on the seniors and fixed income people of the nation.   Washington is speedy to tell us there is no inflation, only because they are measuring inflation by only a couple of indicators, the real estate market, and a couple of others not from the cost to the consumer at the checkout stand in the grocery, or how much $20.00 moves the needle on the gas gage.   In the real world, which apparently politicians don’t live, the cost of food, gas, clothing, and medicine just to keep a senior alive has long reached and surpassed the critical stage, and guess what we hear, Social Security costs too much to give the recipients a cost of living adjustment, which is going on three years.   I believe that Social Security n...