RINOs vs. Conservatives

By: R.S. Helms One thing we don’t need is more of this BS Republican fighting going on. What does it take for the Republican Party leaders to realize that the grass roots Americans are sick and tired of the Establishment politicians in either Party? It is beyond time to stop listening to the profiteers and establishment politicians, the phony talk show hosts who have no interest except their own pockets and listening audience. Greed, fame and celebrity,... power is their addiction, the fighting and division is making them money, and the more they get into it the higher the ratings. The façade of them caring about our nation, our constitution, religious freedom, values, and all the counterfeit lies are nothing more than a means to feed their addiction and phony power. The country is in the toilet and socialism has its hand on the flusher, people wake up and smell the stench of what is happening! And now is not the time to be listening to...