Thoughts of Today… R.S. Helms Yesterday, I wrote a column on the worse situation that has cast a wicked shadow over Washington DC. Therefore, it casts its shadow over the whole US and effects all of us. I usually spend time going over two to three hundred emails, 50% of which are advertizements, even from current events news feeds, I go over the news headlines of four Web sites like MSN, Town Hall, Drudge Report, and Fox News. Now being completely disgusted and feeling a tad ill, I go back to the Bible and my daily devotional. This brings me back to earth and allows me to briefly go over Face Book and Tweeter, and see how things are going with my friends, looking with some anxiety for those who are encouraging and who I love and care for, I start the task of putting a meaningful column together for an occasional post. Last evening, I found a couple really profound and meaningful devotionals from Dr. Charles Stanle...