Just Thinking Back
I don’t know for sure, perhaps it comes with age;
nonetheless, there are times when I get up in the morning and think back, (over
a great cup of coffee), to younger
happier times, friends, jobs, school, and the list seems to go on and on.
Today, while enjoying my coffee, I started to slip off
thinking back, however, this time it was not nostalgia from the past, but
considering the present to the recent past.
Since I started
writing a blog, on religion and politics I have often mentioned the Obama
‘shell game’, one of the tools used by Obama and the Central News and
Propaganda Agency to keep the people’s focus on where they want, and keep
issues buried until they have an opportunity to build a good sounding case,
make it a non-issue, or use the ‘executive order’ to get it done.
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Do You Remember Me ? |
But that was not really the issue, as I thought back, the
issue is cover-ups! What about Brian
Terry? Oh the name sounds familiar, but
you really don’t quite place him… he is the U.S. Border Patrol Agent who was
killed by Mexican drug cartel smugglers, using the “fast and furious” gun
running operation guns.
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Hillary "What Difference Does That Make Now" |
She then went to the flag covered caskets, putting her arms around
the members of the families; BS that was part of the photo-op with the
President where they both lied about it being a terrorist attack.
Nevertheless, the media silence over the total unemployed,
not the 7plus percent, but the real workforce number, which kicks it up to over
14%, (latest numbers total closer to 20 some % for the African-American worker)
nothing is mentioned, but plenty of press is given by the press secretary and
his remark that full economic recovery is well underway.
Again, not so! The “well
underway economy” just went backwards, the January figures are out and the
economy growth was a (-0.1%) down from 3.1% for the quarter, of course the
government will have to “adjust” their figures.
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Thinking Back --- BENGHAZI |
Various bits of smoke from the White House is well covered
as fill while the media brings our focus to Hillary’s acting ability, (lack
thereof), praising her courage and compassion, or her appearance before
congress on the, (well delayed), Benghazi attack, just in time to shift focus
from the major battle on gun control, except for, the liberal proposals and
photo ops with the kids and grieving families.
I get the idea of a ‘shell game’ being played do you?
There are a couple of issues that are sticking in my craw,
which I need help with.
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Fast and Furious |
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Jellied up |
There is no answer to my echoing voice in the empty canyons
of what was once a nice place to live and raise our children, the place called
the United States of America. In this
land of recent history, is prosperity, the opportunity to get rich, the
opportunity to have the American dream still with us? In this land of recent history, is it a
nation indivisible and under God, or more government control over a divided
Now these tired old eyes look
around and see a divided nation, no, a shattered nation, no longer under God,
with no morality, no values, no integrity, and the important one no value for
human life, or respect for the laws, or the ones who try to keep them.
Divided by race, more than during the time of slavery, the
slave masters have changed from plantation owners to corrupt politicians,
street thugs, and civil rights activists.
Divided by religion, even the Christian community has become divided by
liberal ideologies, liberation theology, political correctness, and
persecution. I don’t have the answer,
except I would like to have some sort of answer to these two seemingly
forgotten issues; issues from the recent past.
Meanwhile I will continue to fight for what is right,
regardless of the wickedness and evil that is consuming our nation, and will be
hurled at me, as the fiery darts by the Atheists, thugs, liars, and enchanted
followers of a false messiah promising utopia.
Saying to those who are enchanted by a charismatic evil, wake up! drop the stupor from your brain and see
clearly the path of destruction.
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