
Showing posts with the label government regulations and laws


Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out,’ Retired NASA Physicist Says Posted Monday, November 27, 2017   |   By Collaborative Correspondent   |   3 Comments Share Tweet Email HOUSTON—Unvalidated climate models that don’t correspond with physical data and the requirements of the scientific method contribute to unfounded climate alarmism, a retired NASA physicist said at the Heartland Institute’s recent  America First Energy Conference . Since America’s national security depends in part on energy security, unsubstantiated claims about global warming that prevent policymakers from making “rational decisions” with regard to the development of U.S. energy resources have become a national security threat, said Hal Doiron, a 16-year NASA veteran. The “propaganda” underpinning climate alarmism is “causing tremendous political bottlenecks” that prevent government officials from “doing the right...
Thoughts of Today… R.S. Helms       Yesterday, I wrote a column on the worse situation that has cast a wicked shadow over Washington DC.   Therefore, it casts its shadow over the whole US and effects all of us.   I usually spend time going over two to three hundred emails, 50% of which are advertizements, even from current events news feeds, I go over the news headlines of four Web sites like MSN, Town Hall, Drudge Report, and Fox News.   Now being completely disgusted and feeling a tad ill, I go back to the Bible and my daily devotional.   This brings me back to earth and allows me to briefly go over Face Book and Tweeter, and see how things are going with my friends, looking with some anxiety for those who are encouraging and who I love and care for, I start the task of putting a meaningful column together for an occasional post. Last evening, I found a couple really profound and meaningful devotionals from Dr. Charles Stanle...


EVIL TRILOGY What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Man? In two words we can sum up the attributes of manifested evil in three of the most influential people in the United States of America.  Of course, there are more powerful evil people in the country, like George Soros, who is the real power supporting Obama’s ideologies.  However, I did not sit down to write about the evil of George Soros, I did sit down to just call attention to the Trilogy, and why is it that we, (Conservative Citizens) are afraid to call evil for what it is; EVIL?   Actually evil would be best summed as evil relates to the individual’s moral standards.  Think about it, it does not necessarily depend on ones relationship to Christ, most religions and Atheists recognize, (to some degree), evil and the antonym good.  What it does relate to and is part of is the character of the individual in relationship ethical conduct and moral standards of their character.  That is ...


FIX THE PROBLEM! The Washington Naval Yard rampage, is only a day old and my heartfelt prayers for the victims and their families have and are going before the Lord.  My deepest thanks to the multitude of brave young men and women who responded to this senseless tragedy, thank you. With that said, I would like to address this post as more of an open letter to all the politicians, activist, and especially to Obama and his administration.  FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM!  I do believe that anyone with any brain cells at all can add one plus one equals two, add one more and you have three, and so on.  Nevertheless, it does seem to me that all the anti-gun activists do not have the sense that God blessed the goose with!  However, let me be redundant again and say in the simplest of terms; mental problems are the connecting points, and do not let the liberal psychologist, and psychiatrist make their bid for people’s rights, that ice is getting problematically t...