The Wisconsin budget fiasco

It really speaks for itself As I was writing a blog on another story, and trying to get into some of my resources to keep current with developing events, I found that most of them are jammed with this thing that is happening in WI. Therefore, I said to myself, self… this now concerns something that I have a great passion about; unions! It is obvious that the unions are behind this move, because it involves their power to control what happens in the workplace. It was through the politicians who were supported by the unions, that the union was able to establish such elaborate pension plans and have the local, state, and federal government pay 98% of it; with taxpayer money. The same is for most of the healthcare plans, employment tenure, and other policies and contractual management tools. Then I see “teachers” yelling “it’s for the kids!” onto a microphone held by some mainstream media reporter, while she has abandoned her real duties and shut the school do...