No Quarantine on Religious Freedom Posted Tuesday, May 5, 2020 | By Outside Contributor Reposted on R.S. Helms Commentary by R.S. Helms It’s not a date most people have circled on their calendars. But whether they know it or not, May 4, 2017, was the day most Americans were set free. Free from government-imposed anti-religious mandates, court battles, and fines. Free from jail threats, harassment, and closures. After eight long years of an administration at war with religious freedom, President Trump leaned over a piece of paper in the Rose Garden and vowed , “We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore.” It was the first step of a thousand this administration has taken to reverse the devastating trends of the Obama years. Now, three years into his executive order on religious liberty, Americans don’t have to live in fear of the federal government. For o...