What's The Problem

Just Lie For Now

R. S. Helms

Every day for the past month or so, the question most asked is: What’s the Problem?  The problem is politicians who don’t seem to give a damn about their constituents once they are voted into office.  the longer they are in office the less they care, (until six months to a year before election), then it is who can tell the best lie and which side can set the talking points first forcing the other side to try to play defense.
The master of the ‘shell game’ is at it again; when he announced that he was taking gun control head on.  The idea of taxes, spending, Benghazi affair, fast and furious, and the fiscal cliff recovery, plus other issues such as the debt ceiling increase etc., is going to be in the shadows of the gun control issue, which will go nowhere, unless he usurps the constitution. Then he just picks the shells he wants us to pay attention to while the pea avoids detection.

It is time for the Republications to set the talking point, start with the jump on who was not willing to give in the fiscal cliff talks.  What and who was unwilling to budge!  At the same time hit it heavy on Benghazi with some of the more outrageous allegations about Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Meanwhile, back at the Whitehouse, get Holder involved in the ‘fast and furious’ using the dead border agent and no accountability as to who did what, put it square on the Whitehouse and Attorney General Holder the issue has been completely dismissed by the Administrations press or (central press and propaganda agency which
Central Press & Propaganda Agency  

 includes most Newspapers, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and of course, the infamous MSNBC and Huffington Post.  After watching Fox News the “fair and balanced” network I think they have a few good fair journalist who will tell it like it is regardless of right or leftwing views, but mostly they will continue to keep the focus on the diversion story and not following up and keeping the pressure on the issues that are being purposely left behind.
Most of the republican politicians don’t have the fortitude or intelligence to play the ‘Obama’ shell game with their own shells, and for sure the leadership of the RNC is lacking the grey matter to switch up on the administration and Pelosi/Reid attack squad, it will take strong; smart story leaks to the liberal press, and full charge attacks on the press to get the coverage that is needed, and enough guts to do what is the right thing for the American people

What is needed is more conservatives to get on the same page, (unite)… and take the battle to the liberals not them to us.  Don’t use the political correctness crap that was started by the liberals but not used by the liberals except to browbeat and intimidate.  The Republicans need to get united and stand up to the Obama machine, and don’t worry about what the people will think.  What they will find is the people (Moderates and Conservatives) will come out of the wood work to support leadership with a backbone, and red-eye fight in their hearts to preserve the American way of life and the constitution.    
As status quo, our nation and the constitution may not hold together for four years.  The Tea Party needs to find some Rubio/Rand Paul’s to replace the Republicans that just won’t fight, or call a lie a lie instead of “misleading statements”  no more free lunch for Obama, call him out on what he is doing when he does it; not letting him switch focus by blaming someone else, or using his ‘central press and propaganda agency’  challenge every executive order in court!  Keep impeachment hearings going on every time he lies, fails in his oath of office, or tries to shuck and jive his way around the constitution.  The same for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Holder and the rest of the group
United we stand, divided we fall, and the Obama machine keeps America divided and distracted, it is time that our Tea Party supported conservatives started to do what they said they would do!  There are too many issues owned by the Obama administration to keep in the shell game.  But in a way that is good, (for Obama), it keeps every one so confused it is easy for him to just do whatever he pleases.  It is something that works real good, but one day there will be a time when all the glassy eyed, Utopians will wake up and find that the liberal agenda and ideologies don’t include some of their dear (compassionate, tolerant, and dear to heart liberal components) supporters no longer fit into the ideologies of the ‘party’ and let the stoning begin.
I cannot say how important it is to start shaming the liberal media into honestly doing their jobs!  I don’t care if they endorse the liberals, but the truth and proper coverage of stories from the right and the left, is what good journalism is all about.  Honestly reporting the news (all the news), and digging in and finding the truth.  The American people expect that, no they deserve it from a free press. 
For example: Obama, who is known as the absentee president, weighs in on the congress not doing anything until the last couple of ticks on the clock.  Here is the epitome of not doing and placing blame on congress, I believe he was talking about Democrats as well. 
So what’s the problem?  He had control over congress and the only thing he passed was the Obama care health plan. (Which is now going to be used to make your doctor spy on your family), so why is he still getting his way?  Because of apathy on the part of Americans trying to keep our country on track and the government under control of the Constitution!  Apathy wrought by the dictates of the state’s ‘central press and propaganda agency’  and the threat of being called a name or two, such as racist, conservative radical, evangelical Christian zealot radical.
The press will make anyone who disagrees with the left-wing socialism ideology sound like a treasonous hate group and racist, (just standard procedure). 
It is time to stand by what moral principles, ethics, and integrity that remains in our nation, and just say it like it is.  It is the responsibility of honest journalism to do so.
So what’s the problem? Who’s the problem? And once the American people find the courage to demand that the employees, which we elect and send to Washington work for the people, not the people work for the employees, things will get done!  Oh yeah, I almost forgot Obama gave congress a raise … does that mean he is now their boss?



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