
Showing posts with the label demonizing Christianity


It’s Time To Make the Church Great Again! Some backbone needed! … Apply at the Cross of Jesus. As I go through the email each day, I have started to eliminate 95% of it, because the election is over and the people have chosen President Elect Donald Trump.   Nonetheless, the Mainstream Media (including Fox, Townhall, and the almost forgotten Blaze of the GB network), simply have the conservative Social Media, in most part simply going over the manufactured news, time and time again, and the more it goes forward the more fake it becomes.   People need to simply see that liberal socialism is in serious trouble in the nation, and just make a stand for making America great again, then simply commit to boycott the organizations and business’ that keep this crap alive.   If you do not react to their mindless stupidity, their evil values.   Stop watching the liberal BS on TV they will not win. For conservative fundamental Christians, we absolutely must drop the anx...
By:  R.S. Helms It may be a change to read about something positive, or at least as the Lord viewed the church at Smyrna.   This is a church, which may well reflect in the universal church, your local church, and of course, the church is people, it is a good standard to judge our personal spiritual position. The word Smyrna has as its root, the word myrrh is a substance that has the sweet smell and used in the making of perfume, incense, and medicine.   Smyrna was a beautiful city with rich farmland; and often referred to as the ‘crown of Asia.’   Nonetheless, it was also the center of Caesar-worship in Asia Minor; the infamous ‘golden street’ that ran from the harbor up to Mt. Pagos.   Along the way one passed by an imposing array of pagan temples to Cybele, Apollo, Aesculapius, Aphrodite, and Zeus.   Yet, there was a Christian church, which would only relate to the persecution that the Christians underwent.   It was the martyr Polyca...

Jesus wrote on the ground

Jesus Wrote on the Ground The Supreme Court decided public prayer at a public meeting was constitutional.  That is a great decision on their part; however, it has some of the anti Christians, anti God people hopping mad.  There have been many posts and comments from both sides of the argument, many yeas, and some nay.  Bear in mind however, that both liberal and progressive bureaucrats have had their negative comments.  For me, I am rejoicing in the Lord over the victory, they would not get so “red-faced” if it did not hit home.  After reading a cartoon posted in the TownHall conservative webzine, I commented about something about how prayer in public reveals the sin of those listening.  That reminded me of a sermon I once wrote and delivered, “Jesus started to write on the ground”, it comes from the book of John 8 th chapter and verses 3 —11. Couple of points, concerning SIN our sin and how ...

If God Offends someone ...

What is important to you?  This “photo” was posted by one of my Facebook family, Terry Liner, who reposted it from one of his friends, I wanted to share it to more than just Facebook, and the blog is the way to do that.  A good post and a share request was enclosed so pass it on so you choose and thanks.


EVIL TRILOGY What Evil Lurks in the Heart of Man? In two words we can sum up the attributes of manifested evil in three of the most influential people in the United States of America.  Of course, there are more powerful evil people in the country, like George Soros, who is the real power supporting Obama’s ideologies.  However, I did not sit down to write about the evil of George Soros, I did sit down to just call attention to the Trilogy, and why is it that we, (Conservative Citizens) are afraid to call evil for what it is; EVIL?   Actually evil would be best summed as evil relates to the individual’s moral standards.  Think about it, it does not necessarily depend on ones relationship to Christ, most religions and Atheists recognize, (to some degree), evil and the antonym good.  What it does relate to and is part of is the character of the individual in relationship ethical conduct and moral standards of their character.  That is ...

Where is the Church?

Where is the Christian Church? It Appears Dead Has the church lost its influence in America?  I for one do not believe it has, it may be somewhat misplaced, but that may be God’s plan to prune some of the ‘dead wood’ from the tree.  Several denominations have declared their progressive politically correct liberal views.  Many Christians today simply do not use the word “sin” or admit there is such a thing. The liberals have set the talking points, demonizing Christianity to the point that it is embarrassing to hear the stupidity pouring from their mouths, or in most cases written across a comment space after a story.  If you don’t believe that just visit my e-mail or view a comment section of a Christian story.  The loss of values in this nation is linked or is a result of the assault on faith in Jesus.  Liberals have provided a platform for all types of special interest (sin) groups...
Conservative victory … not  yet Get Ready For A War Not so NEW, news flash! It was not long ago that I hinted at Romney gaining the Republican nominee for the presidential race this time around.  Many real conservatives would rather it be someone more representative of the conservative ideologies, which Senator Santorum was more suited than Mitt Romney.  Sad to say the Senator suspended his campaign,  Newt Gingrich stopped his and Ron Paul is it out to show that he has longsuffering, (some people really like pain).  Although it is not set in stone as of yet, but to my disappointment it does look like the republicans will have some hard fast healing and uniting to get through to pull this election off. Give 'em' some Tea   First, we will need the support of the Tea Partiers, as radical as we may be to the Liberals, nonetheless, the promises of “contract with America” campa...