
Showing posts with the label Tragedy
The Gulf Coast Flood Crisis R.S. Helms 8-30-2017 Thinking of the victims. First,and foremost … I send my prayers and deepest heartfelt sympathy to the victims who have been adversely effected by this storm, and a special prayer for the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this catastrophic storm, May God comfort you during your mourning and grief. Truly, a disaster that that may show a truer picture of America, and who Americans are. I know nothing about the word disaster that could have any sort of a good side.   However, the Bible says: “ All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose” Rom.8:28.   Every dark cloud has a silver lining, which simply means that it is our attitude that shapes how we respond to things that are not pleasant.   Instead of looking at what good could come from bad situations we stay focused on the negative, which prolongs our recovery and drastically reduces ou
Evil Came to Sandy Hook Elementary By R.S.Helms Two weeks before Christmas the scene would be excited children with presents under the tree, parents worried if they had provided their families with an adequate and festive Christmas.  The tone set at school would be one of festive holidays and fun times ahead.  There was more likely an atmosphere of well being in the small “bedroom community” of Newton Connecticut as parents left for work and the children were just getting settled in for their day of school. That sounds like so many communities across this great nation, but it was not going to be that way for this community expecting the jolly old elf to make an appearance in just a couple of weeks; little did they know or expect that instead of Santa, it would be pure evil about to interrupt their tranquility and holiday excitement.  It is not really known what transpired at the home of Ms. Nancy Lanza, except this is where the carnage begun, as this evil controlled