I Must Say... With the most recent go-around of attacks on the presidency of our nation, rather, against the Trump administration and the patriotic conservatives which most have a conservative Christian faith. A faith that believes in the inerrancy, infallibility and the authority of the Bible. The conservative patriots who are now called ‘nationalists’ who believe that the nation is a sovereign nation, and the greatest sovereign nation in the world. In our history, we have had our fair shares of deep troublesome valleys of which we the people have managed to overcome. That is until liberalism has taken a new partner, a partner most foul, it is ‘globalism’ or in my studied opinion it should be called ‘Global Socialist Union’ (in order not to give the current activities to elude to the ‘one world government and one world church’ of the “Antichrist and the Beast” of the book of Revelation, which would only give opportunity to further use the Bible...
Showing posts with the label Liberal agenda
Liberal Corruption Runs Deep and Wide
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Liberal Corruption Runs Deep and Wide. I am sure you have noticed the condition of our once Great Nation, the Christian church, and the World we live in… that is unless you live somewhere that is so far off the grid that your neighbors live in caves, and wear bones in their noses. The world, (in most part), has become a dumbed down flock of sheep who are following yippy—skippy after a world order pied piper, which we so fondly call the UN. The world is in a mess and has been for centuries, so I would like to stay a bit closer to home than the whole world. For nearly forty years’ liberalism has been rolling downhill like a snowball on its way to utopia; gathering up everything good and forming it into the well packed icy-cold huge snowball to hell, not utopia, like the corrupt politicians keep playing on their lyres and tin flutes the sweet music of deception. People in our nation have been brought under an evil delusion of liberalism. There are few politicians that have lef...
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FIX THE PROBLEM! The Washington Naval Yard rampage, is only a day old and my heartfelt prayers for the victims and their families have and are going before the Lord. My deepest thanks to the multitude of brave young men and women who responded to this senseless tragedy, thank you. With that said, I would like to address this post as more of an open letter to all the politicians, activist, and especially to Obama and his administration. FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM! I do believe that anyone with any brain cells at all can add one plus one equals two, add one more and you have three, and so on. Nevertheless, it does seem to me that all the anti-gun activists do not have the sense that God blessed the goose with! However, let me be redundant again and say in the simplest of terms; mental problems are the connecting points, and do not let the liberal psychologist, and psychiatrist make their bid for people’s rights, that ice is getting problematically t...
Empty Heads Don't Fill Empty Chambers
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There Is No One In The House Empty Chamber (between the ears) When did you last study the lists of headline news stories coming from your news feeds? It is getting to be an act of terrorism to post these ‘teaser headlines’ many of them have no relevance to the story, but they sure get your attention from the headlines. Most of the feeds are guilty of this even the conservative news outlets, such as Fox News, Town Hall, The Blaze TV, and many conservative blogs. Perhaps, I have a psychiatric or the dreaded (not being derogatory), “personality disorder”, there is a long line of people who believe I do; nonetheless, I become frustrated when the media will not stay on point! The mainstream media purposely buries any type of follow-up, for political gain. And the few reliable news sources are nearly always sidetracked by these diversions of none issue, meaningless baits. With the Obama “scandals”, which involve many more than this ...
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Have Conservatives Become So Stupefied, or Just Suckered? The conservative, (?), Republicans need to step back and look at the whole battlefield, not just the latest muzzle-flash. Can you imagine a battle commander who loses the war because he spent the time and energy attempting to exploit and scrutinize each cannon muzzle-flash on the front line of the enemy? He loses the war while attempting to win the newest conflict. And that is where the Republican politicians are finding themselves. Let’s look at the list of battles over the past four years; then look at the position we as conservative – freedom loving – constitutionalists find ourselves. We have the unresolved: ü Black Panther voter intimidation scandal ü The national debt, (17 trillion). ü Deficit spending. ü Jobs ü Obamacare (socialized medicine). ü Boarder Security Law suit against Arizona for their own immigration law...
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The Necessity of Poverty By: R.S. Helms. Facts are Facts While rewriting the rewrite of the rewrite of my book dealing with the problems of addiction, alcoholism, and homelessness, in the ghetto setting, with all the tentacles reaching into the already impoverished neighborhoods of our subculture, which traps and enslaves its people. Poverty affects all races, all religions, and all subcultures of the United States, however, when we address poverty, all minds turn to the African-American. This is not because they are largest ethnic group in poverty, nor the largest ethnic group, the Hispanic has now taken number two spot. (white non-Hispanic 64%; Hispanic 16%; Black non-Hispanic 12%; Asia 5%; Native American 1%).. it is impossible to get any sort of good figures on the percentages on poverty, not that there is not a lot of numbers available, but each group has their own set of numbers, depending on what cause they are following or who did the r...
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Conservative victory … not yet Get Ready For A War Not so NEW, news flash! It was not long ago that I hinted at Romney gaining the Republican nominee for the presidential race this time around. Many real conservatives would rather it be someone more representative of the conservative ideologies, which Senator Santorum was more suited than Mitt Romney. Sad to say the Senator suspended his campaign, Newt Gingrich stopped his and Ron Paul is it out to show that he has longsuffering, (some people really like pain). Although it is not set in stone as of yet, but to my disappointment it does look like the republicans will have some hard fast healing and uniting to get through to pull this election off. Give 'em' some Tea First, we will need the support of the Tea Partiers, as radical as we may be to the Liberals, nonetheless, the promises of “contract with America” campa...