Have Conservatives Become So Stupefied, or Just Suckered? The conservative, (?), Republicans need to step back and look at the whole battlefield, not just the latest muzzle-flash. Can you imagine a battle commander who loses the war because he spent the time and energy attempting to exploit and scrutinize each cannon muzzle-flash on the front line of the enemy? He loses the war while attempting to win the newest conflict. And that is where the Republican politicians are finding themselves. Let’s look at the list of battles over the past four years; then look at the position we as conservative – freedom loving – constitutionalists find ourselves. We have the unresolved: ü Black Panther voter intimidation scandal ü The national debt, (17 trillion). ü Deficit spending. ü Jobs ü Obamacare (socialized medicine). ü Boarder Security Law suit against Arizona for their own immigration law...
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Jihad, Ji had , Jihad! My heartfelt prayers and condolences to the families and loved ones, of those brave and special Americans who were serving our nation in Libya. The attack on the U.S. Consulate, at the hands of the Muslim Jihad terrorist, was an attack of war against American interests, and Americans representing our nation. Ambassador Chris Stevens A Good Man The Obama ideology I really have a problem trying to get my mind around the ideology promoted by this administration there is no Jihad, no war on terror and there are only a few small groups of radical Muslim terrorist. This rhetoric is what the administration would like us to believe; frankly, I am not brain dead, as they think the average American citizen...