“If My People who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) Welcome to Prayer Warriors, and our first project. It is really my project and I am inviting Christians to join me in a 30-day intercessory prayer project that’s what makes it “our project”. A project of love, love for our nation as a free republic, love for our fellow Americans and the love and faith we have in our Lord. He taught us that no matter how big the problem we face, in sincere faithful prayer all things are possible. With the power and possibilities of sincere fervent prayer even restoring our nation and reviving biblical Christianity. However, as I have said many times, one will not be fixed without the other being fixed. God can and will fix both if enough of his people c...
Showing posts with the label christain
getting worse before it gets better
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Christian Persecution Being a dinner for a lion The gospel of Mark was penned AD 64, after a fire destroyed most of the city. Four districts were untouched, three completely reduced to ash, leaving seven in some sort of destruction, which brought about rumors that the emperor was behind it. This was countered by blame being leveled at the Christians. Of course Christians became the focus of government persecution, many was arrested and tortured then put to death, most was sentenced to death. This led to the climate of uncertainty for the Christian, as an invitation to make several choices: 1) Deny the Lordship of Jesus, and affirm the pagan gods and loyalty to the emperor. Thinking in the weakness of their faith, that God was unable to defend them. 2) They could become as the chameleon and change, only not color but gods, and just melt away into the mass of humanity. 3) They could fall into a state of apathy waiting to be found out, draining their spirits and stre...
Happy New Year to You All.
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As I sit in my living room listening to the insufferable sound of exploding fireworks a few doors away, wondering why it is, at the oncoming of a holiday, (don’t make a difference which one), some yahoos have to start several days early, and have their grand-finale on the eve of the holiday? I don’t know the answer, however, I do know that it is something I don’t look forward to, with the approaching holiday. Christmas of course is history, I had a wonderful Christmas and hope that all of you had a good one as well. I don’t look forward to the New Year, as there does not seem to be nothing exciting happening in 2012. Some things will improve because it is an election year, and the present administration will do what ever it takes, to make us think things are getting better, however, the opponents will attempt to counter with their own ideology for their benefit. What may appear on the surface to be a good thing, in truth, it is seldom what it seems....
What is Christianity?
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I have written several articles and blogs concerning, liberal theology, liberation theology, and some about the apathy of the Christian community. During some research for a piece for my website, I found an article by John McArthur, concerning the “Lordship of Christ,” the subject prompted one of his books, “ The Gospel According to Jesus,” which is on my must read list now. After reading several reviews, I am more aware of some of the problems facing the church today. Salvation without the lordship of Christ, involves a tremendous watering down of the gospel and may well allow some souls to think they are heaven bound, and are actually going to hell. And who will be accountable for that major blunder? Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, and the work He did on the Cross of Calvary. There is no condition or circumstance that allows mankind to earn, buy, work, or weasel his way into eternal life in the presence of God...