God or HAARP?
07/29/2023 ~ R.S. HELMS ~
By: R.S. Helms … 7.28.2023
God or HAARP?
R.S. Helms … Bob’s Opinion
… Revised and edited …
Every day I get around 125-175 emails, from people who
follow my blog, or that I follow, Some write for various right-wing social news
outlets, and some are even researchers and investigative journalists. We
are not in close relationships other than exchanging opinions and research for
connecting the dots between the cabals of the left and the Shadow Government,
which is engaged in a fifty-year-old coup, now headed by a slimy demon, or in
the least, a demon-possessed corrupt racist called Obama, the present Shadow
President. Of course, if our black population that thinks he is “for
black equality” really doesn’t know anything about Obama and his ilk, they are
only using the black, the Hispanic, the Muslim, and even the poor and middle
classes to chain them to the Washington D.C. Plantation, they would be as upset
as those of us who still love our country, our Constitution, and honor God and
His Church, and we are really upset and thus far have found the strength to
repel their gas-lighting, grooming, and brainwashing.
Have you had thoughts about why it is that there seem to be
more people who are suffering from some sort of brain malfunction or simple
lunacy and are more than proud to yell out their stupidity as long as someone
with an iPhone video of it, or they participate in marches until it turns into
a riot or worse? We have no Southern border, it is there but we have no
national security at the border, and our congress, which is called “The Swamp”,
for a reason (and it does not sound too good for socialist politicians, once
called ‘liberal),’ but regardless of what you may call them, they have been the
source of the problematic chaos in our nation for the past fifty years.
They have become the real enemy of the State, the “homegrown terrorists,’ with
a Marxist Muslim at the helm thus far, … and the one in charge of the most
destructive weapon to ever have been engineered by the government, … HAARP.
Today on my MSN news feed, (5.26.23) I counted twenty or
thirty headlines from the Mainstream Media and other news sources from social
media, that were trying to stir anxiety up a tick, (for climate change-global
warming); I have grown to pay attention on how the press runs ludicrous
headlines, even lies at times, to push anxiety upon the populous. I
learned that the press is still leading the people around by the nose.
Could it be that if you were educated in public education 10 to a Doctorate
after 1970 you may well have been brainwashed by liberal propaganda,
anti-America, anti-Constitution, anti-Christianity, and anti-integrity, I think
we have progressed to calling it “grooming” or conditioning before what HAARP
can do with its mind control capability.
Since 2013 the 40-acre facility in Alaska was supposed
shuttered, however, some scientists and researchers believe that the facility
was made smaller even more mobile, and more powerful, they have one on a
Navy ship, perhaps even an aircraft, surely the Army has at least one and who
knows how many the CIA-NSA have stashed around the world. And all under
the command of the Shadow President; and who may that be? Of course, you
know, don’t you? You know who the Shadow government is as well, the only
people who do not know are the serfs who serve their master blindly and fight
hammer and tong at his wish. They are the present-day slaves shackled to
the Washington Plantation by misfit politicians. Obama shares control of the
HAARP weapon with the United Nations so that they may achieve their vile goal
of one global communist government.
Would you not say that the weather relates to almost all the
issues of the nation today? Weather helped promote the COVID-19 Pandemic,
The pandemic was manufactured to put people in a panic, a chaotic state
globally. All for an election and political control. US and China
dumped COVID-19 on the people of the world, directly killing millions, and
causing transportation problems, interruptions in food supplies, and supply
lines. Employment went through the floor and people had to do what Obama
wanted them to do in the beginning, go on food stamps, and subsidized
Education suffered a huge blow and is still trying to push
back some, but the socialists will not have it. Young people are
graduating who cannot qualify for the diploma; they have been doing that since
affirmative action started lowering the educational standards and the system
has been putting out, (in most instances), a jolly bunch of idiots, just what
they wanted and it had nothing to do with the students circumstances, it
effected the standards, and the standards were the same for all the students,
only thing is that some students wanted proper education and wanted it more
than others.
Trade stacked up in the port harbors, because of worthless
mandates, trucks did not roll, and a lot of small businesses closed and the
longer it went on, the worse it got. The economy tanked and we went into
a recession and are on the brink of hyperinflation and depression. Banks
ran into problems and closed, and big business went WOKE, Most states have
taken some of the situations into their own hands and are pulling ahead
somewhat. Only a few states have gone along with the Shadow President to
keep Biden in control of the White House, and to keep the shadow government in
control of what is going on.
The weather since Nov-Dec 22, the weather has been brutal
two hurricanes smacked Florida, with a similar path of destruction with the
exception one came in from the West, and one from the Atlantic side to near the
center state and then north, tornadoes more severe, and locations more
critical to the Midwest and Central US further damaging our agriculture and
then eggs went for a phony vaccine not the consumer, (that is until mysterious fires
destroyed some of our biggest egg producing farms), extreme weather riding in
on a severe “pineapple express”. The bomb storms, one week apart and one
after another, left flooding in the lower elevations and over 200% of the
normal snowpack in the Sierra and in the Rockies; in California, floods washed
away the farms, orchards, groves, and more. They let over 70 trillion
gallons of floodwater go into the Pacific, Why? because they had let all their
water retention either go by the wayside, or be removed, regardless of the
major deep drought they had been in, mixed that with the forest fires, and
there was no way of holding back the water and debris, land that had been
carelessly over developed and away with California, however, it did fill some
of the reservoirs. Utah and the Wasatch mountains, much the same thing,
except Utah controlled the floods and saved much of the water, However, and
again carelessness and over-construction caused more damage.
It is my studied opinion that California will not return to
normal agricultural production for a year or more.
So, the weather surely takes its toll on our food supply,
transportation, and the productivity of our workforce.
Florida has nearly the same problem, but with Florida, it is
and has been political warfare, and the same with Texas, Georgia, Tenn.,
Alabama, Louisiana, and Arizona, In all political warfare, you can go
from state to state and pay attention to where the most severe storms occur and
you will find pushback against the whacky government regulations, or pushback
against the socialist government policies all to gather. So, those who
have control (Shadow control over the Swamp and Shadow Government) will use
HAARP as well as biological weapons of mass destruction on the population to
gain more control over the people, in this case through the weather
modification and food supply, smaller independent farmers and ranchers, and a
substantial chunk out of our economy. But will Obama and his shadow EPA
and FDA ensure we consume GMO veggies and fake beef, or will he not?
HAARP will help him do it. By whatever means he will not let up until his
friends at GE, UN and the WOKE processors have us cooking our fake food on
single-element electric stoves.
HAARP has numerous capabilities, and we truly do not know
the whole story, but we do know that in order to get the job done, (whatever
that job may be), we must have faith that God is in control, and he is working
24/7 that His will be done. If you believe and have faith in Jesus, all
things work for the good. However, it will be on His timeline, not ours …
it will be as He wills, not our will … it will be for His glory, not ours … use
the battle to increase your spiritual knowledge and stand strong in your faith,
or for those who believe not, you need to come unto Jesus and His salvation,
and you will receive a new life then you will be tested severely by God to make
you strong and you will endure.
Friend, things are going to get worse before they get
better, people look to Politicians to make life better, and to put a stop to
all the chaotic confusion that engulfs our lives, but that will not happen,
politicians cannot do it alone, it is hard for us to understand but unless God
creates a unified majority front, things in Washington will not change much, it
is “We the People” who need to change our attitudes toward each other and call
out the corruption within our government and get rid of the vile corruption
before it gets rid of us.
HAARP cannot work mind control unless the minds have been
conditioned by propaganda, which is what the government is keen on doing.
Our schools are brainwashing our children, not educating them, the media is
brainwashing the populace, not truthfully informing the populace, HAARP is
controlling our moods and minds, HAARP is controlling our weather, our
geographical conditions, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes and
tornados, El Nino, and or, El Nina, and all affect us through:
- Energy
- Food
- Communication
- Emotional
- Spirituality
- Virtues,
- Health
and Mental health
- Peace
and War
- Communities
- Stability
of nations
And the list goes on, Right now HAARP is being used in some
capacity on the population of the United States, and the world at large. This
would depend on how much the nation was socialist, like the EU
socialist/Marxist, and how far the nation had achieved the “elite-serf”
socialist form of Government.
As I have stated many times, we do not know the full scope
of HAARP’s capabilities. But HAARP is not the only high-tech threat to our
well-being. GMOs have silently been changing what we eat, and most of the
change has gone unnoticed by the average consumer. The average consumer
has been willingly brainwashed to accept the fake food served in fast-food
outlets. (Just had to get my discontent with food we get from the
grocery store).
Starting with the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic chaotic
panic, with the uptick aggression of the manufactured Global Warming – Climate
Change, HAARP is being deployed on the American People as a political
geo-weapon of the left and UN socialists. There are more than just a
couple of government agencies involved in the use, it is across the board
Obama’s Shadow Government, aka., Deep State. Obama is the
leader of the Coup d’état at present, and its main weapon is hatred and chaos
produced by HAARP to some degree, mostly “weather control.” However, we
are now being force-fed to accept homosexuality, pedophilia, and ‘drag-queens’
in our public schools, and libraries, and to take a stand against such vile behavior
and call it like it is, … SIN … and it is abnormal behavior in the human
species is a trigger for anger, hatred, ridicule, intimidation, and censorship.
What they deny and therefore put out of the equation is
God’s awesome power, … Omnipotence of God. It is okay to
get angry but vent the anger peacefully and in all things in truth and
love. Let God do what only He can do. I am ready and committed to
the rule of God in my life and stand ready to serve God as his warrior in His
army for his glory. and God forbid I ever have to take-up arms to fight in the
streets to protect my family and our freedom.
HAARP? That is a weapon that can be used for bad or
for the good of mankind, we need to have it out of the shadows and let the
people know its capabilities and power, and let it stand ready in the defense
of our nation, But let it be used beneficially for the people of our free
nation, and our planet.
Let God restore His true Christian church, with the proper
theological teachings, Biblical Theology, and churches that will serve Him
to His glory. God has turned the minds of those
who are progressive, socialist, and the evil Global authority over to diverse,
evil, and reprobate ideologies, principles, morally bankrupt doctrines, and
policies, so I say again … it will get worse before it gets better.
The weather in the late fall of 2022 went crazy.
Normal weather patterns that happen on occasion, like the “pineapple express,”
is engineered weather, by 80/20% with 80% being manufactured, to force us to believe
the Climate Change Hoax. The “heat dome” is manufactured by jet-stream
manipulation, gulf-stream manipulation, ocean currents manipulated, and natural
geophysical systems are being manipulated. The press/media is going full faux
pas in its propaganda,
It is my studied opinion that the Luciferian Socialist
radical left’s leadership has been using HAARP or HAARP geophysical technology
and apparatuses on the US to further push people into accepting the WOKE social
culture that is destroying the nation and our citizens. The US along with
other Western nations are following the policies of the UN, (and you know how I
feel about the UN), to force “global warming/climate change” Agenda 21/2030 on
the world. Do not let yourself be deceived any longer about the goal of
the UN and its objectives! People will die! But then, people die
every few moments as it is, However, increasingly frequent death will come on
the nations and it will not be from cow farts and Fossil fueled energy, but at
the hands of the policy makers in the US Capital and the UN, pushing their
agenda on people of the US and of the world.
Being a pastor, anti-Christian skeptics ask, “So, where is
your God in all of this evil that is going on? all this suffering and death? All
this lunacy? I answer, “Where He has been all along … on His Throne in
glory, and still in charge. I pray daily for those who have no hope, no
relationship to Jesus our Lord, if they did there would be no chaotic
life-threatening evil WOKE culture thinking they are taking charge, and there
would be no issue of radical racism, radical hostilities, anger, and hatred as
we see it in the streets of our nation. We would However, see people
working together to solve issues of disagreement, now more than ever before in
the history of our nation people need that relationship with the Lord Jesus and
that love relationship, the commitment to do our level-best to walk as Jesus
walked, and then we, as a nation under God, could pray and He would hear from
His throne and heal our nation.
As I have said before, God is allowing evil demons and
demon-possessed people to weld the hurt on the nation and there will be harder
times for us, but the strong will stand firm and learn from Him.
Ask yourself, why has there been an overload of really
stupid propaganda over the weather? First, it was cold, now it is a ‘heat dome’
and hotter weather? Could it be that the Luciferian Socialist Democrats
are giving it everything they have to get the conservative patriots to give in
and get along? Some of the comments made by supposedly intelligent
leaders should show them to be liars and just plain stupid and unaware people.
Most of the weather today is by manipulation, it is
engineered weather to make the climate change skeptic and deniers fold to those
in leadership, just to get along. Why doesn’t the mainstream media talk
about HAARP? Why doesn’t Congress bring it up? Because they are
afraid to have it investigated, or because it is wrapped in a cloak of dark,
dark secrecy and they don’t know how to stop the Shadow Government (bureaucracy
of unelected officials bought and paid for by the press, and the WOKE
corporations, big money people of the world, who are funding the Obama led Coup
d’état to flip our government and make it a Socialist Marxist nation and leader
of the North American Communist Union.
My only advice is to vote conservative right-wing, get close
to God, and pray that He would allow Trump 4 or more years and get this nation
turned around and in the right direction and healing. (Regardless of the
outcome of Faux BS attempts to make him into a criminal, I really do not care
about the planted documents, I say planted because of the way the FBI conducted
the seizure, as they are not very credible at this point.
Start an anti-HAARP campaign for accountability. If it
ever got started, we could count on the weather change and climate change
exposed for the hoax and Faux Pas that it is.
Thanks for Reading
R.S. Helms
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