
Showing posts with the label NFL protests
I Must Say... With the most recent go-around of attacks on the presidency of our nation, rather, against the Trump administration and the patriotic conservatives which most have a conservative Christian faith.   A faith that believes in the inerrancy, infallibility and the authority of the Bible.   The conservative patriots who are now called ‘nationalists’ who believe that the nation is a sovereign nation, and the greatest sovereign nation in the world. In our history, we have had our fair shares of deep troublesome valleys of which we the people have managed to overcome.   That is until liberalism has taken a new partner, a partner most foul, it is ‘globalism’ or in my studied opinion it should be called ‘Global Socialist Union’ (in order not to give the current activities to elude to the ‘one world government and one world church’ of the “Antichrist and the Beast” of the book of Revelation, which would only give opportunity to further use the Bible...