
what is really going on?

What is really going on? Politicians keep us guessing First, somewhere in recent history, I wrote on the “shell game,” this article is still about the shell game, in a way.  In a way that this is an election year, (it seems every year is an election year); however, this year is somewhat different in as much as it may well be the dirtiest campaign in recent history.  From one side, any one who is a conservative or white Christian will be demonized as a racist. From the conservative side any one who is a liberal will be demonized as a socialist, welfare state which just wants the government to take the responsibly of life, and anti-constitutionalist.  These things will become the ingredients of the new shell game of addressing issues. One of the problems this presents is, the political shenanigans practiced in Washington not always are based on distraction, or the “shell game,” on the contrary, much of the deception smacks the conspiracy notion in the raw....

getting worse before it gets better

Christian Persecution Being a dinner for a lion The gospel of Mark was penned AD 64, after a fire destroyed most of the city. Four districts were untouched, three completely reduced to ash, leaving seven in some sort of destruction, which brought about rumors that the emperor was behind it. This was countered by blame being leveled at the Christians. Of course Christians became the focus of government persecution, many was arrested and tortured then put to death, most was sentenced to death. This led to the climate of uncertainty for the Christian, as an invitation to make several choices: 1) Deny the Lordship of Jesus, and affirm the pagan gods and loyalty to the emperor. Thinking in the weakness of their faith, that God was unable to defend them. 2) They could become as the chameleon and change, only not color but gods, and just melt away into the mass of humanity. 3) They could fall into a state of apathy waiting to be found out, draining their spirits and stre...

Happy New Year to You All.

As I sit in my living room listening to the insufferable sound of exploding fireworks a few doors away, wondering why it is, at the oncoming of a holiday, (don’t make a difference which one), some yahoos have to start several days early, and have their grand-finale on the eve of the holiday?  I don’t know the answer, however, I do know that it is something I don’t look forward to, with the approaching holiday.  Christmas of course is history, I had a wonderful Christmas and hope that all of you had a good one as well.  I don’t look forward to the New Year, as there does not seem to be nothing exciting happening in 2012.  Some things will improve because it is an election year, and the present administration will do what ever it takes, to make us think things are getting better, however, the opponents will attempt to counter with their own ideology for their benefit.  What may appear on the surface to be a good thing, in truth, it is seldom what it seems....
Thanksgiving The First Thanksgiving …. It is that time of year again, when we begin the Christmas splurge and a hangover to start the New Year.  Actually, several years ago the “Holidays” started with all the crazies at Halloween, now it all runs together, and as for the liberal, Atheist, ACLU, and those of this great nation campaigning for the denial of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to them it is best we leave God out of the whole season.  But I will not continue on and on about the importance of God in the heritage of our great nation, and how the liberals are set to demonize the Christian faith because at this point in time, Christians are the liberals worst nightmare.  No this blog on Thanksgiving is an attempt to express some of my personal beliefs or feelings about how God does bless us as a Christian nation with nearly every other religion of t...

PB's Commentary catch-up

Hi there, this is not an endorsement of any political candidate, but the contrary, because politicians are simply politicians and it comes down to the one that can be believed the most to do most of what he or she says they will do. Who Will it be?                                                                  With that in mind, who do you think will win the Republican nomination?  Nonetheless, we have one which has never been connected to actual politics, and why should we waste a good man on the likes of our congress and administration, that would come under the heading of blood sacrifice, without any atonement!  From the two top runners in this bid for the formal Whitehouse bid, we get politics and politics, with Romney we have a politician, and with Cain we have that, which we should have had three ...
What's Wrong ? I really need to pay more attention to my blog.   It has been some time since I last posted a new article, (blog), however, in the condition the nation is in with no economy change in sight, and the “non-inflation” starting to take its toll on the seniors and fixed income people of the nation.   Washington is speedy to tell us there is no inflation, only because they are measuring inflation by only a couple of indicators, the real estate market, and a couple of others not from the cost to the consumer at the checkout stand in the grocery, or how much $20.00 moves the needle on the gas gage.   In the real world, which apparently politicians don’t live, the cost of food, gas, clothing, and medicine just to keep a senior alive has long reached and surpassed the critical stage, and guess what we hear, Social Security costs too much to give the recipients a cost of living adjustment, which is going on three years.   I believe that Social Security n...

The Real Easter Miracle

 the Bible belt, and Christianity should normally be something expressed openly in the public forum, and covered by the local media, which it generally is on Saturday in the “faith and values” section, and on occasion given a respectable placement and coverage.   However, in the two years of residence this is a first outside of smaller coverage in the Saturday section for faith.   However, this year a plug for First Baptist West Monroe, ‘First West’ was included in the coverage on the front page.   There were other churches named and articles tagged to the front page exposure as well.   With all this happening, I almost forgot to continue to consider cancelling my subscription, to the paper and to the website for various reasons, one was the way they covered spiritual and Christian faith, along with the contributors to their ‘opinion’ page in the local section.   Then I came to my moment of reality and remem...