
The First Thanksgiving….

It is that time of year again, when we begin the Christmas splurge and a hangover to start the New Year.  Actually, several years ago the “Holidays” started with all the crazies at Halloween, now it all runs together, and as for the liberal, Atheist, ACLU, and those of this great nation campaigning for the denial of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to them it is best we leave God out of the whole season.  But I will not continue on and on about the importance of God in the heritage of our great nation, and how the liberals are set to demonize the Christian faith because at this point in time, Christians are the liberals worst nightmare.  No this blog on Thanksgiving is an attempt to express some of my personal beliefs or feelings about how God does bless us as a Christian nation with nearly every other religion of the world making up the sum of the populace. 
It is nice to know that from the Old Testament that there was a feast, (celebration), of Thanksgiving to God.  Therefore, we must be talking about the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving, and over the past several decades the argument progresses against God, and giving thanks to Him.  This is coming hard and furious from the liberals and non-Christian groups who continue to deny Christianity as major part of our U.S. heritage.  This strikes me as odd, and hypocritical of the naysayers, they deny nonetheless demand overtime and a half for working the holiday, or take it off and stuff their bellies with the traditional meal.  It has come to the point of cities, states, and regions claiming that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in their domain.  To me it was most likely at Plymouth, before the first summer, and the reason was thanking God for giving them the new land, and new freedom and keeping them safe through the perils aboard the Mayflower.  They were separatists, a sect of the Puritans from England.  There is evidence to support such and the Mayflower pact gives motive and purpose to their time of thanksgiving.  The others from Texas to Main and Florida had no relevance to the New Country.
Nonetheless, it all makes no never mind, glad it happened and I thank God everyday for the link to the forming of the United States and the freedoms we have, it is said that all men are free to worship according to the mandates of their own conscience, and that is the best statement made on the subject.  Although it escapes my thinking why, over several decades, Christianity has taken such a beating?  The majority of the citizens believe as the rest of the world believes, that the United States is a Christian country, founded on those principals, and yet when the naysayers object to the thought that God had a hand in the founding of this nation, Christianity takes another beating?  My message to the immigrants who come to this nation and are offended by the public display of a cross, or even the tablets of the ten commandments, they can go back and live under the symbols of the better place they left to come to this nation.  There is some things that just simply get my goat.  One of the worst things that is happening, comes from within Christianity itself, they are either changing spots to be accepted, or they just remain quiet for fear of being persecuted in the press, or from the government. Nevertheless, very little is said in defense of Christianity, except the sermons preached to the choir, (if the choir is in attendance), Oh ye of little faith!  The constitution guarantees my freedom to worship according to the mandates of my conscience without obstruction from the government.  When did we loose that freedom?  Also, when did history change the United States from being a Christian nation, to an anti-Christian nation?
Perhaps it was about the same time that we stopped with the pledge of allegiance in school, or when they took a proper study of the constitution out of the text books.
So this Thanksgiving, my wife and I will give thanks to God for our Christian nation, and all the blessings he gives to us, even though the nation seems in shambles, and has turned from God fearing, to spitting in His eye.  Even though we are seniors living way under the poverty level, I know it is God who, through His grace, gives me all of what we do have, and allows me the opportunity to still work a part time job to help with the inflation, and deflation of retirement income.  It has to be the hand of God at work, even though I may not understand it now, He promises that one day I will.  Thank you Jesus!
In closing, I thank God for the many readers of this blog who keep me encouraged to keep the battle against those who would take it all away, thank you God and bless each of them.

Thanks for following the blog.


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