what is really going on?

What is really going on?

Politicians keep us guessing

First, somewhere in recent history, I wrote on the “shell game,” this article is still about the shell game, in a way.  In a way that this is an election year, (it seems every year is an election year); however, this year is somewhat different in as much as it may well be the dirtiest campaign in recent history.  From one side, any one who is a conservative or white Christian will be demonized as a racist. From the conservative side any one who is a liberal will be demonized as a socialist, welfare state which just wants the government to take the responsibly of life, and anti-constitutionalist.  These things will become the ingredients of the new shell game of addressing issues.
One of the problems this presents is, the political shenanigans practiced in Washington not always are based on distraction, or the “shell game,” on the contrary, much of the deception smacks the conspiracy notion in the raw.  However, some of the distraction issues are by chance, and play much longer to keep our focus away from what is really going on. 

I thought that the Associated Press, supposedly the cream of the crop, of news journalism and the top of the news wires, for breaking stories is as liberal as the rest of the big three TV and most of the printed left will ever be.  I will not continue to ignore their liberal bias and deception in how/when their stories are released, and how they are written.  They are worse than the New York Times, or the Huffington Post in their liberal bias). 

Over a number of web news organizations, the AP is launching a vigorous campaign against Republican ads related to Obama’s big woe, gas prices this coincides with Obama’s present campaign swing with spin and deception about the “facts of the price of gas,” nonetheless, watch out for this distraction it could keep people occupied for a while.  Meanwhile, the liberal press is gearing their spin on several issues, which have fallen into their laps over the past weeks. One is the killing of the seventeen year old African-American in a gated community by a Hispanic security member.  The other is the soldier who went ballistic and killed the Afghanistan civilians; both are catching airtime as they are maturing into big distraction stories.

Lawyers and Activists stir the Poo Pot of Racism 

These stories are getting hotter by the day, nonetheless; it is apparent that President Obama has put the domestic story of the seventeen year old in play.  The president made a special point to take a stand on the situation at the end of the joint press conference with his pick for the head of the world bank, why in the world, do the taxpayers not see what is the agenda of the Obama administration? What is really going on?  What is really going on is this tragedy is being used by the Obama campaign to set the pace for the race card to be thrown against the white Christians, the Tea Party, and anyone or anything that needs to be slammed or demonized; this well could do just that.  This as you can see is not a conspiracy, a young man was killed; parents are grieving; it is senseless and no one will ever, know what happened, as long as all this racist crap is going on!  WAIT UNTIL THE REAL FACTS ARE KNOWN BEFORE JUDGMENT!  Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, NAACP, Farrakhan, (nation of Islam, the New Black Panthers, AG Holder, and the Obama campaign,(all have joined in.)  It is a shell for the game, a shell that just happened along at the right time, and how sad, even morally wrong; it is that this situation is used by politicians and liberal activists for self-gain.  All of them will do anything to keep the race, (poo pot), going.
Planned issues used as intentional shells in the shell game have history, such as the price of gasoline.  Iran’s nuke capability will be used, and it will not show strength of our nation, our NATO allies, or Israel’s demise, but rather, Obama apologizing for America and NATO, and demonizing Israel, and lifting up the UN. 

weapons and cash

Egypt’s foreign aid from the US will be used, now that it is a done deal, so hopefully the Muslim brotherhood, who just happens to hold the power in Egypt, will not spend it all killing US soldiers or US citizens on our homeland.  Let’s see what shell kept that one buried until it was too late for the people to voice their opposition. But the Washington game rolls on, and the attempt to make it sound like something it is not, is left up to the Marxist scholar from the University of Arkansas, the “stand by her man” Hillary Clinton.  This is supposedly aid in the form of weapons and defense hardware, note the word I chose is “defense” when, in reality it is aggression against Israel! 

Liberal media "Hay-day"

The Rush Limbaugh fiasco over mandatory contraceptive issue by employers, and the rotten analogy of the woman who, (just happened), to be wanting George Town University to provide contraceptives, because she, according to her, could not afford them.  All this in the name of women’s health, she testified before a congressional committee on C-span public TV.  This whole thing, in my opinion, stinks of a democratic conspiracy against those who are outraged about 'Obamacare."  I think she simply needs to check her adult responsibility and say, “not tonight Charlie” to the animal, (gotta have sex) boyfriend whose responsibility it is to not have unprotected sex in the first place! She proves by her actions and congressional testimony that she has little or no moral values, and tries to disguise it as “WOMEN’S HEALTH” issues.  Albeit, maybe she has a point, with the liberal no moral education that is coming out of our schools today, and it starts in grade school!  I think Mr. Limbaugh went outside  proper journalism with the word slut; however, there is character traits that may ring true in this case.   There comes a time when taxpayers who are the ones paying for the free sex on college campuses have had enough.  Where is the Outrage when conservative women are slandered and smeared by the liberal press?  (this seems like double standards and another shell in the game).

Perhaps this has opened an area that has not been opened to you, (I doubt that very much), nonetheless; it may help us to understand “what is really going on”.  I do know one thing for sure, (hopefully it has been readable for you, and if not all that informative, maybe entertaining). It has given me a new path out of "writers block," and provided me with more than enough to write about. 
Moreover, that’s what is really going on.


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