PB's Commentary catch-up

Hi there, this is not an endorsement of any political candidate, but the contrary, because politicians are simply politicians and it comes down to the one that can be believed the most to do most of what he or she says they will do.

Who Will it be?                                                                
With that in mind, who do you think will win the Republican nomination?  Nonetheless, we have one which has never been connected to actual politics, and why should we waste a good man on the likes of our congress and administration, that would come under the heading of blood sacrifice, without any atonement!  From the two top runners in this bid for the formal Whitehouse bid, we get politics and politics, with Romney we have a politician, and with Cain we have that, which we should have had three years ago; the African-American who would have taken this nation in the right direction, maybe.  With Romney, we have a politician who like most, have had their share of failed policies, said stupid things or just didn’t do real good at what they had promised.  Thing is, did they learn anything from it?  Better yet, did we learn anything from it?  Outside of Gingrich and Cain, the rest want to engage in character assassination and not take on President Obama and his continued spin demonization of Republicans.  No one wants to engage the President when he tells everyone that conservatives want to have dirty air, and water because they appose his use of the regulatory agencies to kill jobs by killing US oil exploration and production, coal production, and coal fired power plants.  Taxes and environmental limitations on manufacturing corporations that must set up shop in states that don’t have right to work laws, or move their operations to a state that is a right to work state to escape the high demands of the unions, and union pensions which they skim to line their coffers.  There is nothing currently, that the union does good for the worker.  Education is a no brainer every one wants the best education for our children, but we need not spend another tax dollar on education until we get rid of the Teachers Union, and the excessive total employment packages that the union demanded from the states, and in many cases give it to unproductive, unqualified teachers!  However, no one wants to take issue with Obama over any of it … no one wants to take on the liberal agenda of this administration and speak out on how wrong it is.
The Obama-BUS
Meanwhile, President Obama is covering as much of the country either by super luxury bus, or by Air Force One.  We are to be stupid or totally unredeemable liberal to think that he is doing so in executing the duties of his office, and not campaigning.  If you are a conservative, it should make you quite livid over the way he spends your money campaigning, I guess the liberals either do not care, or are honestly that stupid to believe he is not!  Of course he is, and it will be okay, until the conservatives do enough tail twisting to make him yell.  This “super campaign bus” was of course built in Canada, it is diesel powered, and cost 1.1 million.  Nice, how Obama’s put Americans back to work in green jobs is working for us. 
Made in China
In case you missed it, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial was dedicated on Oct. 16th 2011 in Washington D.C..  it should have been done long ago, however, the fund rising went a bit slow, and there was some head butting going on, about who would do the work.  Gilbert Young, an African-American artist, protested and organized official protests against the memorial being the sculptor arguing that the sculptor be African-American, and the granite be from America, not stone from China, and the sculptor and workers being Chinese, but to no avail.  So we have the memorial of a great American, being an African-American with the great work he accomplished on civil rights, ‘made in China.’  I know it is not the innovation, and gusto of the fine African American artists we have.  Nor is it the ingenuity, and lack of entrepreneurial desire.  Do not let the words entrepreneur and capitalist confuse you, as they are synonyms and Obama is anti-capitalist, anti-industrialist, he is anti-business, anti-industry.  Nonetheless, we have the resources, and the talent for this to have been an African-American project and no doubt would China”.  I do hope that the African-Americans remember this when it comes time to vote.
From theurbanpolitico.com 
Keep your eye on the pea
With all that is happening, we must remember to beware of the “shell game” which is the specialty of the street-con, and of which our president is a pro.  While we have the Occupy (whatever), movement going full blast into it’s second month and still without any real common voice or organization, it is déjà vu of the protests in the sixties.  This is the most recent pea in the shell game being played in Washington, “keep your eye on the pea,” which pea are we are we to be watching?  President Obama, is quickly running out of shells to cover all the peas, I think that he has enough out there already to accomplish his mission, being to create enough confusion that Americans will not distinguish lie from truth.  Truth is, there is not much truth happening in Washington.  Truth is this country needs jobs, we need our workforce to be employed, which in turn brings tax revenue into the coffers of the treasury, which in turn will help pay down our national debt, which in turn puts our economy back on track.  Think about it, we must shrink the size of government, stop spending our way into oblivion, every American has the right to achieve his or her dream, it only takes commitment, and in most cases hard work, it is not the responsibility of the federal government to pay for it!  It is not sound government policy to regulate us out of the competitive manufacturing or industrial market by making it easy for American companies to move offshore or simply close shop.  But that proverbial straw, has now been placed on the camel’s back, he told a nest of his “global” cronies, that American business’ have grown lazy about attracting foreign companies and investors to open up business here.
We hear a lot of rhetoric concerning how the conservatives are anti-environment from Obama, as if we want dirty air and dirty water, he would have us believe that we will be the only nation on earth with clean water and air if we re-elect him.  He attacks conservatives of being racist and intolerant, because we want to do away with affirmative action, seal off the boarder, and use whatever means to deport those who are here illegally.  If one would only stop and think about it, that is not what is going to happen nor has any conservative politician or Tea Party leader suggested it, what conservatives want is to secure the boarder, and overhaul our immigration laws, where people will not have to enter the country illegally.  What part about legal and illegal do liberals not understand? 
Most Americans understand that conservatives are not going to let grandma just die.  reworking Medicare needs to happen, and regardless of the AARP ads, those on Social Security will not receive less each month, nonetheless, it does need to be reformed, and cleaned up.  most of the waste and fraud does not come from the seniors who are retired and actually need the help, it does however, come from the disability fraud, and government raping the supposedly “locked box” that we have been paying into all of our working lives.  with the AARP organization, it seems that it is now coming out of the liberal closet after making the deal with Obama over the “Obamacare” and selling all of it’s conservative members down the river, so watch for more liberal ads from this organization.

I don't remember
Attorney General Holder is an example of how the liberal determines what is legal, he picks and chooses what laws he wants to uphold, and what ones he don’t, such as the Black Panther incident with the voters, during the 2008 presidential election, immigration laws that he will not enforce, nor will the Director of Homeland Security.  Obama of course gets credit for killing Ben laden, when all he had to do was determine at that moment, if it would be politically beneficial.  If the Seals was successful it would be good, if they failed on the other hand, Obama would have had a negative hurdle, however, it would have gone by the way of the shell game depending who around him he could have thrown under the bus.  However, it is sad that it will go to his record on the positive side, but I will give him credit, it took a lot of intestinal fortitude to make the call.

Religion and the Campaign
To the dictates of your own....
There does not seem to be an election that the candidates do not get involved in religion.  It makes little or no difference after the election unless someone has their feathers ruffled a bit.  However, during the campaign it makes all the difference or so it seems.  It happened with Obama and his reverend Right, and then the Muslim factor, if Reverend Wright would have been more orthodox Christian and not a hater of America and traditionally orthodox Christianity he would not have been thrown under the bus.  However, the right wing conservatives put Obama’s rhetoric about being Christian and being transparent to the test, and Rev. Wright became a good sacrifice for the cause.  It is not so much the candidate’s religion that gets under my skin, but the demonization of Christianity while advocating an outreach for Muslims, and the liberal theologists.
Romney took it on the chin last campaign (2008) over his faith, (Mormonism), and this go-a-round is déjà vu.  Being a Mormon may become one of his strong points, if pastors, such as the  Sr. Pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Dallas, who made the remark that Mormons are not Christian don’t continue to divide the GOP.  I agree they are not orthodox Christian, the two theologies leaves no doubt.  However, we are not voting on the Presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention, and I doubt if the Pastor knows too much about the character of the Mormons, or he would get on board if he is nominated.  If for no other reason, but the return to some of our principles and American morals, which have been lost over the past several decades.  Let me make myself clear, I do not believe that Pastor Jeffress is trying to tell his congregation who to vote for, or who not to vote for but making the statement in itself divides the Christian evangelical from the non-evangelical Christian voter.  For me his comment was ill timed considering the campaign, and created additional conservative division, it was just plain ill-conceived.  Secondly, I have not seen much from the First Baptist Church of Dallas, or the Southern Baptist Convention over the past decades concerning the demonization of the Christian faith (especially evangelicals) in this nation and from this administration!  It seems, the only time one will hear any defense of our Christian faith is if you attend church on Sunday morning, then it is sparse and like preaching to the choir.
The relevant context in the Romney incident would be; what kind of morals, principals, and social ideologies do Mormons have, and are they compatible with conservative American Christians?  Nonetheless, right-wing conservatives are going to send Romney through the same gauntlet, so the Christian faith can be called intolerant and bias, nothing more than a gang of Bible thumpers clinging to their Bibles, and guns while the rest of the progressive social order moves more and more to a global order.  We have far too serious issues at this point in time, and be it Christian or Mormon, as long as who ever gets the nomination has faith enough to keep our nation out of the global social order, which includes religion and socialism will work for me.  At this point in time, I would rather trust a Mormon to do just that more so than some mainstream Christian denominations. 
The additional harm to Christianity is the real nut-case pastors who protest against the gays at the funerals of our fallen heroes,  or the one that wanted to burn the Koran just to get their fifteen minutes of fame.  Unfortunately, they have both been “Baptist” so it only enhances the rhetoric of all anti-Christianity.

I will make this long post, in hopes that my faithful readers will suffer through the five pages to get a glimpse of my frustration over the state we are in. 

 Look for my opinion on the “turkey day” verses Thanksgiving, (to God), holiday shortly.


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