What's Wrong ?

I really need to pay more attention to my blog.  It has been some time since I last posted a new article, (blog), however, in the condition the nation is in with no economy change in sight, and the “non-inflation” starting to take its toll on the seniors and fixed income people of the nation.  Washington is speedy to tell us there is no inflation, only because they are measuring inflation by only a couple of indicators, the real estate market, and a couple of others not from the cost to the consumer at the checkout stand in the grocery, or how much $20.00 moves the needle on the gas gage. 

In the real world, which apparently politicians don’t live, the cost of food, gas, clothing, and medicine just to keep a senior alive has long reached and surpassed the critical stage, and guess what we hear, Social Security costs too much to give the recipients a cost of living adjustment, which is going on three years.  I believe that Social Security needs to be reformed, and the fraud cleaned out, not to mention the years of payments which continue to be sent each month to those dear departed members of our society. However, while the politicians argue about even if it should be reformed, many seniors continue to live in gross poverty, and even succumb to death because they simply cannot sustain life with what they are getting in benefits.

While on this subject, I must include my thoughts on Obamacare and Medicare.  Those of us who have retired, and was enrolled on Medicare, pay a premium of $98.00 per month, and have a sizable deductable each year, so it is not free.  Most seniors signed up for part A and part B, regular health and hospital, however, some did not sign up for prescription drug coverage, because what drugs we were using was less than the $45.00 premium per month.  Obamacare revamped this somewhat, and everyone had to sign up for prescription drug coverage, but through several insurance companies offering a coverage program for your state.  This had to be done within certain months, and could not sign up after that date.  This year it is between October and December; there was plenty of people who choose not to do so, again, because of cost effectiveness, later to find out they needed prescriptions due to a new illness, and find that they have to pay a prohibitive amount for medicine.  For those of you seniors who still belong to AARP, who is our supposedly voice in Washington, was sold down the river, so they could sell health insurance, now auto insurance, and that happened when they reversed their decision to endorse Obamacare.  AARP why are you so silent on the cost of living adjustment issue?  In other words, they joined the liberal administration to fatten their coffers, and AARP will endorse Obama for re-election and by proxy every member!  I know I will not have AARP representing me as a senior or retiree.

 Meanwhile, the politicians who use the poverty, the seniors, and Medicare as campaign tools to get re-elected and continue getting their raises and benefits, and who do I blame for this? I blame both parties!  Both have done their fare share to sink this nation in a pile of debt, unemployment, and general wretchedness!  However, we voted for Obama, who had a liberal house and senate, who could and did pass massive spending bills, which did not work, some unconstitutional, and some just plane stupid.  Obama now owns the mess, and does so legitimately.

Obama revealed his “jobs plan” which Nancy Pelosi has already instructed members of congress not to use the term “stimulus” when referring to the “jobs bill”, according to the numbers, most Americans watched something else.  I was one who exercised the switch channel button on the remote.  One thing that I find amusing, is how Pelosi seems to be in charge of the English language and demands words be changed as she chooses, and secondly she is always leading the way in “pass it right now!!” which Obama has picked up on.  However, considering the use of words, stimulus, and Nancy’s control over political correctness, the liberal and progressive media, everything is now referring to the bill, as “jobs bill,”

It may very well be that the Southern Baptist Convention’s leadership has become more progressive over being persecuted by the president and Ms. Pelosi, (all liberals in most part), have demonized the fundamental evangelical Christians indicating we just cling to our bibles and guns, or non-tolerant, standing in the way of our nation moving forward into a new realm.  Members of this administration, the president, and the liberal leadership of congress have said what could be said to demonize.  With hard effect on several denominations which have collapsed to the insults against Christians, now the Southern Baptist Convention leadership wants to change it’s name for more of a uniform global mission effort.  I have been waiting to hear my denomination, or any fundamental evangelical denomination stand firm in the faith and defend our Christianity, the Lord Jesus and His church.  The Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical denominations should be more concerned about defending our faith, our heritage as a Christian nation, our moral values, and the safety of our foreign missionaries.  Because of a pro Muslim administration, which helps create the violence perpetrated against Christians in Muslim nations, one may say it emboldens the perpetrators and in a way, our administration enables them to continue escalating their jihad.   

Persecution has been eroding our values, and our biblical foundation of Christianity for several decades.  The reason is that the Christian has slowly allowed the world to creep in through feelings.  It is in the human nature to be liked, not being the focus or target of criticism from the liberal progressive mindset.  The Christian mindset has changed from believing the Bible as true, inerrant, divinely inspired, infallible, and the absolute written word of God, to a more moderate or liberal one of “perhaps it is becoming outdated,” it is not keeping up with progress of humankind.  What ever the argument is that depletes the authority of the Bible, what “church tradition” has become gospel to some Christians, one thing is evident, the turning away from our first love.  It bewilders me to try to accept why some Christian denominations have left the word of God and adopted practices and policies which are unashamedly contrary to what the word teaches as sin God’s eyes.  This ideology reflects some of what Jesus was referring to when he talked about the “ways of the Nicolaitans” in the book of Revelations.  The one thing, which stands out, regardless of it being my opinion, is that the Christian did not stand fast in their faith, allowing political correctness, (liberal and conservative progressivism),  to demonize Christian morals, ethics, and Christianity’s belief in the truth.  The fault I see, is weak Christian leadership remaining firm in their faith, and at least publically standing against the demonizing of Christianity!  No one wanted to publically call a spade a spade, allowing the ACLU to strip God from the public square, American Civil Liberties Union, fighting for all civil liberties except Christian. 

Instead of defining why the United States is a Christian nation, or defining the moral and ethical values of our nation as being in agreement with Christianity.  The Christian demanded that the values and ethics are Christian in the political arena, just brought all non-Christian ideologies to demonize the Judeo-Christian moral ethical system which was in place in the forties and fifties.  I assume that it is an apathy on the part of Christianity assumption, that this being a Christian nation, and the majority of the people claiming to be Christian, which has enabled the enemy to advance to the present position.  God, the Judeo-Christian moral and ethical system being brutally diminished, and the denominations redefining their Christian foundations and becoming more Nicolaitan than Christian. 

In no other environment could a President on national TV say “let them cling to their Bibles and guns, we will move forward with out them.”  Of course he was talking about the fundamental and evangelical Christian denominations who reside in the Bible-belt and rural areas, which the President is actually referring to less than major metro areas, so actually you folks in Denver, or Phoenix, or even perhaps Salt Lake City would be on his “leave behind list.”  There has been a number of contributing movements perpetrating the propaganda against Christians so I will not bother to mention them all, however, the Atheists and them being offended by various Christian symbolism in the public area, schools, and public buildings, songs and even the thought of a national song where God would be mentioned.  As far as history textbooks, and historical facts of our nation, of course it has bled over into the African American community with the confederate flag or its use in state flags, the song Dixie, or a “rebel” mascot found in many Southern schools.  Therefore, it is with God, and anything to do with God, however, now with the demands of the Muslims, it will boil down to Christians and Jews.  It has the blessings of the government to accommodate the demands of the Muslim faith, while prohibiting others, especially Christian and Jewish.

I believe, we are a Christian nation, made up of people from nearly all faiths, and I will stand firm with any other faith to exist and worship what ever god they so choose, as long as we are all treated alike, and held accountable by the same laws.  I still want first amendment rights to freely speak out on what I feel is wrong, or freely declare what I believe is right.  I still want to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” I still want to see Christmas decorations that have the nativity, which for centuries has been part of the Christmas holiday, I want a government who allows history to be reflected in our geographical location without all the gibberish about offending African-Americans.  I want a nation that still has individual responsibility, and accountability without the government assuming the responsibilities. 

I want a Christian church which will still defend their faith and the Bible, not just silently slip into apathetic slumber, then be embarrassed about saying “I am a Christian” and proud to be a Bible thumper! Who demands our government not engage in any anti-Christian, anti-God rhetoric and demonizing! 

Who do I blame for this? the Christian is who I blame for not standing firm in the faith, and allowing a politician to dictate how I practice my faith through political correctness, who I call to stand behind the pulpit because of political correctness.  I do not believe that God changes, meaning that the Christian should not go ahead and change the foundation of their faith, and expect God to catch up to our progress!  In my life I want to choose to please God or man, in my life I want to choose God regardless of what the world may think of me.  I want a church that preaches the Bible and the timeless message to the believer. I want to be surrounded by believers of like mind and heart, who become offended at the overt persecution and covert silencing of our moral and ethical values adapted by this nation in our constitution.  Our national history which delineates the Christian heart of our founding fathers to ensure our freedom and liberty.  Who will stand firm and voice our faith principals, our faith, our God, Jesus our salvation!  

Call me a fundamental evangelical … and you have it right!  It is not a bad thing, for all of the so-called Christians who cave in to what is politically correct I will promise one thing, I will pray for you, and pray that God will not exercise His sovereign right, and take your crown.


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