
The Wisconsin budget fiasco

 It really speaks for itself  As I was writing a blog on another story, and trying to get into some of my resources to keep current with developing events, I found that most of them are jammed with this thing that is happening in WI.   Therefore, I said to myself, self… this now concerns something that I have a great passion about; unions! It is obvious that the unions are behind this move, because it involves their power to control what happens in the workplace.   It was through the politicians who were supported by the unions, that the union was able to establish such elaborate pension plans and have the local, state, and federal government pay 98% of it; with taxpayer money.   The same is for most of the healthcare plans, employment tenure, and other policies and contractual management tools. Then I see “teachers” yelling “it’s for the kids!” onto a microphone held by some mainstream media reporter, while she has abandoned her real duties and shut the school do...

WI teachers? or what.

As I was writing a blog on another story, and trying to get into some of my resources to keep current with developing events, I found that most of them are jammed with this thing that is happening in WI.   Therefore, I said to myself, self… this now concerns something that I have a great passion about; unions! It is obvious that the unions are behind this move, because it involves their power to control what happens in the workplace.   It was through the politicians who were supported by the unions, that the union was able to establish such elaborate pension plans and have the local, state, and federal government pay 98% of it; with taxpayer money.   The same is for most of the healthcare plans, employment tenure, and other policies and contractual management tools. Then I see “teachers” yelling “it’s for the kids!” onto a microphone held by some mainstream media reporter, while she has abandoned her real duties and shut the school down for three days, this is the same te...

Stealing any peace in the aftermath of a carnage

Saturday brought senseless tragedy to Tucson Arizona; it would do us well to think about all of those that this carnage brought such suffering.   Not just one, because she was a well loved member of congress but her staff member, a federal Judge, a couple of regular everyday ladies out to speak to their representative, a little girl of nine, there to see her champion. Christina Taylor Green --- Dorothy Morris --- Phyllis Schneck --- Gabriel Zimmerman --- John Roll --- Dorwan Stoddard, the six who died in the impersonal Safeway Parking lot or at the nearby hospital.   The fourteen others who were wounded and the rest who were left traumatized because of what transpired in only a few seconds.   It only took a few seconds for a deranged lunatic to wreak havoc and commit carnage, which to most people, is unimaginable.   As to that young man, I do not hate him for what he did, justice will be served, if we are sure to cross all the T’s and dot the I’s, and he has one of t...

this is why christianity is unpopular.

The Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church is a poor excuse for a ambassador for Christ! From the looks of the signs his congregation carries to these despicable protests are from the pits of hell and have nothing to do with the God of the Bible.  It is a disgrace to Christianity and the Baptist denomination for his church to be called the Westboro Baptist Church.  I am a retired Baptist Pastor, and this pastor’s teaching is not of the Bible, but from the texts of Satan.  The hate and hate incitement that he creates is one of the reasons that the world hates Christians. This is not the view of any Baptist teaching I have ever had the displeasure to witness.  He and his disciples should be tried for hate crimes against the United States, and sent to jail, just after they all were given the proper public flogging they deserve. Jesus never taught or suggested that His followers do other than love everyone, even our enemies, love of the people and not the sin, or fals...

The Christmas War Continues

The Christmas war continues and the battle intensifies with each year of celebration.   You would think that the Atheist, and others, (including some so-called Christian denominations), or maybe being politically correct is more important than defending the time honored celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.   Monroe, Louisiana is no exception to the rule, the battle wages here just as any other place in the nation, and the Christian Clergy apparently is going along with the liberal mindset.   Let the battle wage in the social setting as long as our churches keep Jesus as the focus.   However, it is not unlike other modern culture issues about Christianity, and soon Christmas will not be about the time-honored celebration of the birth of Christ.   The whole liberal reason behind the battle is that Jesus offends some individuals.   So in keeping with what is politically correct, ( thou shalt not offend the heathen,) or, the majority should not offend an...

The ambitious presumption of what God wants

The ambitious presumption of what God wants, can lead to ruin in every corner of our lives and eventually our faith.   There have been good churches, which are growing and doing fine, they invest in the community outside the church, as well as the members of the congregation.   However we cut it, one thing must remain  foremost in the mind of each individual and that is doing the will of God not the will of man as it is in my own understanding.   At one point in time, it was godly ambition that moved the church forward, and it was a time when being a Christian was popular.   Now being Christian is no longer popular, and political correctness has went to the forefront of social popularity.   Churches have slowly moved from what is righteous in the eye of God to the what is acceptable in the eye of the social environment.   The enticement of growing larger churches have set in action a tidal wave of user friendly churches to meet the demand of ...