WI teachers? or what.

As I was writing a blog on another story, and trying to get into some of my resources to keep current with developing events, I found that most of them are jammed with this thing that is happening in WI.  Therefore, I said to myself, self… this now concerns something that I have a great passion about; unions!
It is obvious that the unions are behind this move, because it involves their power to control what happens in the workplace.  It was through the politicians who were supported by the unions, that the union was able to establish such elaborate pension plans and have the local, state, and federal government pay 98% of it; with taxpayer money.  The same is for most of the healthcare plans, employment tenure, and other policies and contractual management tools.
Then I see “teachers” yelling “it’s for the kids!” onto a microphone held by some mainstream media reporter, while she has abandoned her real duties and shut the school down for three days, this is the same teacher that makes nearly a hundred thousand dollars a year, including the benefits.  It is also the teacher that doesn't give a flip about the kids.  Truth is, the teacher's unions are taking away money in their annual income, that could be better used in the classroom where our schools are failing so badly.  Show me the average Joe worker in the secular job that is brought down that much including benefits, and he is paying a great deal more for those benefits than the public employee.  And has to be efficient and show up for work to keep his job, even with the unions banging down on the company to pay more!  It is no wonder our jobs are going abroad. 
The real change in our education system needs to be based on performance of the teachers to teach, and parental responsibility.  I do not think another dime of taxpayer money should be given to the system that is as broken as the one we have. We are only giving it to the teachers and the unions; it is not spent in the classrooms and students.  Fix the system and make it an effective one, change the things that need to be changed at the classroom level, for the student’s success.
Government workers, (there are too many now), and their unions are the cause, in effect, for most states present fiscal problems, not all the problems but most.  Elaborate pension and benefit plans which the employee, “teacher,” and the “Cadillac” healthcare plans put in place by politicians and the unions that paid for their campaigns, are killing the state governments.  And I do not understand what it is about the teachers in WI, who either don’t understand the word “broke” or else they are just in it for themselves, (selfish), to close down schools for three days, and then say they are doing it for the kids, is an insult to the people; and they are teaching the children!
If I was the Governor, I would do what Ragan did with the Air Traffic Controllers when they went on strike, show up, or you’re fired.  The good thing I am not the Governor, I would have things all messed up.  It builds a strong case for no union involvement in local, state, or federal government.  In the private sector, they should be limited as to strikes and the power of a strike.  As well, in the private sector I don’t think there should be a “contract,” this country needs to know it is time for the usefulness of the union is over, and it is used now for payola politics, and to advance re-distribution of wealth.  I am well under the poverty level, yet I don’t want the government to take it from him and give it to me.  That is a socialist concept, not what is being taught in liberal and liberation theology.  When questioned about that theology, the presidents “spiritual advisor” said that is what the Bible tells us about what Jesus taught about being rich.  Of course they also believe that there are other areas that are wrong in the Bible, and that the Bible needs to catch up to our culture.  This tells me that our culture has progressed to this point, now it is time for God to catch up to us.  That is contrary to what orthodox Christianity teaches. Therefore, I question the “Christianity” of these churches and false teachers.
I do know that I have no problem with making the cuts that need to be made, and overhaul the things that are killing us fiscally as a nation.  Of course I have never been known for being really smart. However, I am not the raving idiot whom the liberal left would like to convince me that I am.  The mindless ones, (not having a mind of their own, or an original idea, unless it came from the great elected ones, or a union boss, or like Nancy Palosi, or Harry Reid, or the “messiah” Obama.)  With every speech, they delineate just how inapt they are and inferring just how dumb they think we are.
Here the ones that are doing what they were put there to do, “stop spending” “reduce spending” and bring down the size and debt of government, and are presently being demonized by the left, and the unions.  I am happy they finally have the stuff to stand in the face of what is happening and do what they need to do. 
Unlike the stupid inapt members who fled to another state to hide out, and not do their elected job responsibility and oath of office mandates they do.  What, rules and responsibility apply to everyone except them?  It does not matter. Their responsibility is to vote … yea or nay, if they agree or not.  For deserting their office and responsibilities, they should be sanctioned, or impeached and thrown out.
Well, I know not all of you will agree. I will be called everything in the book, that is fine with me, being called names, I have learned it comes with the job, being demonized, and persecuted was told to me by Jesus, and I just had to learn to live with it.  I am independent and conservative, not Republican, nor Democrat, just a Christian trying to live in a Christian nation, praying the politicians don’t destroy it until Jesus comes.
Thanks for staying tuned, ….  more to follow


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