The Christmas War Continues

The Christmas war continues and the battle intensifies with each year of celebration.  You would think that the Atheist, and others, (including some so-called Christian denominations), or maybe being politically correct is more important than defending the time honored celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  Monroe, Louisiana is no exception to the rule, the battle wages here just as any other place in the nation, and the Christian Clergy apparently is going along with the liberal mindset.  Let the battle wage in the social setting as long as our churches keep Jesus as the focus.  However, it is not unlike other modern culture issues about Christianity, and soon Christmas will not be about the time-honored celebration of the birth of Christ.  The whole liberal reason behind the battle is that Jesus offends some individuals.  So in keeping with what is politically correct, ( thou shalt not offend the heathen,) or, the majority should not offend any in the minority, the Christian looses again.  It is perplexing to many rational, common sense Christians why there is a battle going on at all. 
The reason is Jesus Christ is convicting, not offending the individual, as within the design which God created humankind, there is a spirit, it is dead, so to speak, because of humankind’s succumbing to temptation.  However, it is still there, and quickened by the Holy Spirit of God at the name of Jesus. The convicting by the Holy Spirit of sin is an uncomfortable, distressed, guilty feeling to a sin loving world.  For the past century the enemy has covertly come against our Christian nation, and for the past 40 plus years the covert operations of the war have become increasingly more overt in the battle of removing God from every aspect of the public forum and workplace.  The cheap un-researched comment on the Atheist billboard in New York, “you know the myth,” with the three wise men following the star, is undoubtedly multi-purpose for their argument over Christmas.  The Atheists point that Christmas being celebrated on December 25th is not the actual date that Jesus was born.  Of course that is right, however, it was adopted as the date of celebration by the Church at Rome to offset the celebration of Saturnalia, (feast of the Sun god, December 25 the birth of the Sun god, Saturn, of the Romans).  The year being debated in the 2nd or 3rd century, and has been celebrated by Christians world-wide until now.  As for the wise men traveling to the manger on the Eve of Christ’s birth is a myth as well, they did not arrive until Jesus was around two years .  However, it fit into the celebration narrative, and offered to the tradition of gift giving.  Of these being myths, except for the actual dates they are far from myth, but rather historical facts as recorded in historical works and records outside the Bible.
Therefore, if the Atheist, or somebody being offended at Jesus being a real part of Christmas, it is they who have the problem not the Christian.  However, if Christ offends some people they have the freedom to celebrate and give gifts on some other day.  Imagine how much chaos in the western world would take place if a couple of dozen days were set apart for an annual celebration of gift giving.  Christmas is a time-honored Christian celebration of which anyone is invited to participate, just don’t demand that Jesus not be part of it.  Of course, that will never happen, as long as Christians decide enough is enough and put an end to the battle over Christmas, unless the Christian tucks tail and runs. The traditional celebration will live on.
To the Christian, it should be protected as a spiritual celebration, being made manifest in the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ through the visual, as well as, spoken recognitions of His birth.  Christian don’t wait on someone else to start the ball rolling, begin with yourself. 
Merry Christmas to all


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