Stealing any peace in the aftermath of a carnage

Saturday brought senseless tragedy to Tucson Arizona; it would do us well to think about all of those that this carnage brought such suffering.  Not just one, because she was a well loved member of congress but her staff member, a federal Judge, a couple of regular everyday ladies out to speak to their representative, a little girl of nine, there to see her champion. Christina Taylor Green --- Dorothy Morris --- Phyllis Schneck --- Gabriel Zimmerman --- John Roll --- Dorwan Stoddard, the six who died in the impersonal Safeway Parking lot or at the nearby hospital.  The fourteen others who were wounded and the rest who were left traumatized because of what transpired in only a few seconds. 
It only took a few seconds for a deranged lunatic to wreak havoc and commit carnage, which to most people, is unimaginable.  As to that young man, I do not hate him for what he did, justice will be served, if we are sure to cross all the T’s and dot the I’s, and he has one of the best attorneys that is unsurpassed to make sure the most guilty perpetrator receives the treatment guaranteed in the very constitution he hated.  We would do as well, to pray for his soul, and at least let the Lord touch our understanding, that we try to see his condition not in our understanding but with the mind of Christ.  It may be the only way some of us will not let our own thinking, send us off on a tangent of fear.  Therefore, trying create laws that will only continue to separate us as a nation.  The man was either extremely mad, or he is possessed, and after seeing his booking picture, I would almost vote for the latter. 
In view of the first paragraph, I will move on now to voice my outrage of the way the mainstream media responded.  Fueled by the brainless remarks of Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who before the victims were all removed and off to the hospital, remarked that the cause was the hate in the nation today, the hate broadcasts of political rhetoric and from radio talk show hosts.  He did not have any evidence that the carnage was sparked by any of what he said.  From there the liberal commentators followed suit in their despicable foray of blaming Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and other conservatives for their rhetoric, the Tea Party, anyone who has ever opposed the Obama administrations agenda.  The sickening part was the journalist who wrote their stories based on people’s biased comments.  Within only a couple of minutes of the first shot, it was “Breaking News”, when I pulled up the headline story on I went to the “comments”, where the counter was going faster than the counter for our national debt, and there was where I read what would later be the stories in the mainstream media.  Brainless rhetoric from both the liberals and conservatives, which at times seemed incoherent profane babble.  It was more than a revelation about how stupid these people are, but that the monitor contributed to the insanity by keeping the string open.  Which does not ever work for me anyway, I have never been able to leave a comment, so I just publish it on my blog, and send it to facebook, and tweeter.
Not a fact one indicated that this tormented soul was influenced by any rhetoric, political or otherwise.  One of the disheartening things about it all, is that even today, the tone has been set for the divided finger pointing and demonizing that began with the election of president Obama.  He has demonized anything and everything including our country, where it did not agree to his ideology and agenda.
It only follows the mode of operations by both, liberals and conservatives.  Now we will see a rush by the politicians to create new laws that will take away the rights of the people.  It is standard operating for all politicians to take advantage of any crisis to score political points. 
Now on to the depth of the slime pool, this would be the Pastor, or impostor, of the Westboro Baptist Church, you know the one where the Pastor has taught his congregation that God hates homosexuals.  A problem I have is with the Evangelical Christians, not the liberal theology, claim to be Christian, but real leaders of the Christian churches and denominations, which have not caved in to the demands of the liberation theologians, and the liberal demonization of the fundamental Christians, to sound off about this false teacher, and the heresy this guy is promoting!  His theology is as far from orthodox Christianity, as the east is from the west.  This theology does not represent “Baptist theology” and it makes God out to be a liar, so one may say that Satan is the shining god of Westboro Baptist Church, and the preacher is his disciple pointing the vile finger of hatred and untruth at the finger of the God of Judeo-Christian belief.  This so-called Pastor, is as dangerous as the tormented gunman who killed six and wounded 14 others.
We must consider how a person who is so deranged as Jared Lee Loughner; was neglected by his parents and law enforcement, and never committed to at least a 90-day evaluation.  It is too simple and offers an excuse for people not to accept responsibility, when we say “he slipped through the cracks”.  And another question to consider, is how he managed to obtain a handgun in his condition?  The laws are in place to have prevented this from happening, why was they not enforced? 
So while the liberals have drawn the conservatives into a defensive battle of finger pointing and calling each other names, and Fox News is no better than the liberal press for the continuing despicable battle on the backs of those involved in this most vile carnage, and their Tucson Arizona community, leaves me bewildered.
Rev. Bob Helms
Religion and Politics examiner, Louisiana

E-mail at  or Robert Helms on Facebook & RevBH69 on Tweeter


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