Follow Up, (or beating a dead horse).

The Cry For 'Justice' Continues


I was rather upset over the way the Zimmerman vs black racists America became the red meat the media.  And we all witnessed how they served it up.  But it is now beyond the hearing to increase his bail, because he and his family was lying about their wealth, wealth that was not there until people started sending money, which was not until after the first bail hearing. 
One should wonder if everything is not as it appears.  Of course, not, the liberal media has shown its dirty underwear on this one from the get-go.  I do not need to go into the way the media chopped, spliced, and contorted the whole incident.  In addition, today they are still showing the pictures of the innocent fifteen-year-old boy. 
I read a piece about the lawyer who chased this story right to the doorstep of Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin’s mother.  Benjamin Crump, who  has gained a big name in civil liberties cases, (all of which made millions), strategized openly about how he could get Sybrina, then Tracy Martin, together as a ‘family’ lawyer, and go after Florida, and the county, and city, for millions.  Before he came into view, and Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the ‘new’ Black Panthers, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, all had their press, and laid the groundwork for one of the biggest law suits in recent history. 
Problem is, they need to have the murder verdict and all the negative press to keep the image of a little 14-15 year-old boy top billing, and the image of Zimmerman in the orange jump-suit side by side.  Now it is all about money, and real justice can go to …. 
We shall wait to see what develops from the actual evidence, and witnesses, and oh yes one other thing, the exposure of the ‘real’ Trayvon Martin, say a year or six months or three months prior to the incident, that too may be a new revelation in determining justice.
With every step of the way the lawyers for the family.   Hand in hand with the racist groups and individuals like Al Sharpton on his MSNBC radio show continues to voice their bigotry in the case, hoping AP will pick something up and move it on to the more popular networks, who, by the way have temporally moved on to trying to trash conservatives.

Matthew Owens (after Mob beating)

Where is the outrage for Matthew Owens?  Or did I miss the last month’s continued coverage.
Reports have it that Owens may have been the aggressor in this incident, His wrap sheet doesn’t do much to clear claims that he may have been the aggressor in the case.  He has been booked on charges of assault, domestic violence, harassment, and public intoxication in the past.  or at least that is the allegations and coupled with some witness reports of a couple of kitchen knives, and racial slurs  it gave the right for a black racist mob, (‘roughly 20), to use bats, bricks, cans of paint, and other implements in order to render Owens unconscious, near death, and still in critical condition.  It don’t make much difference what the man’s background is, ‘roughly 20’ blacks – oops, African-Americans, wanted to beat him down and they did. 

No Place In This Nation For Mobs

Little Difference In This Mob
& A Beat Down Mob
The claim that he used racial slurs to their children, (one report says they were playing basket ball in the street blocking his drive-way and one has it they were on a basket ball court).  They went home and told dads, who came for a beat down.  They listed all the slurs, such as he told them “he was going to hang them, called them ni---rs who he wished had never move into his neighbor hood.”  Therefore, that is what the police are going on, not the statement by one of the blacks who turned and said now there’s justice for Trayvon. 
If these blacks would have called police and they had more than the kids account, ol’ racist Owens would have been in a heap of do-do.  Of course, that would have had to strike outrage against the ‘new’ black panthers, where one of the members with a mega-phone promoted the ‘kill the mf-n crackers, their wives and babies’ and the pig slop continued for the rest of the minute or two video clip.  I believe that racism on both sides is the most disgusting, vile, evil attributes of human nature.  Moreover, in the United States, it should bring an automatic prison term. 
We have the best justice system in the world, albeit, it has flaws, but it does work.  And it is able to work as good as people let it.  At this point, it is a wonder it even works for a traffic ticket, because of the people and who is in charge.  one cannot expect it to work in the rank and file, in the jails, in the courts, and in the accountability of committed crime, as long as it is ignored by the Attorney General, and the President of the United States.  Justice is blind, and that means colorblind as well.  Nonetheless, it is who can afford the best lawyers, and pull the political favors, that give us the most failures in our justice system.  It is broken because we did not demand accountability.
Racial outrage, is what brought about the holocaust in Hitler’s Germany, it was not the majority of the German people, it was the minority of radical racists, just as today it has not improved that much.  Lets face it, it elects politicians, it sells liberal news-papers, (when there is as many racists in the liberal camp as in the conservative), it keeps money flowing in the coffers of the so-called civil rights workers, the ACLU, and other ‘social’ organizations, that feed on poverty and poor education, and intimidation.  The fire will continue to rage as long as we continue to force acceptance of race, religion, people class, and other contributors to a neutral position.  Continue doing the same thing, expecting a different outcome is ludicrous!
Demanding more money into programs that are ineffective, or just do not deliver the money where it can be effective because of loopholes, and filling the corrupt coffers of leaders will only keep people trapped in poverty.  Moreover, to continue to fuel the fire between the races, people groups, class and status, or just about anywhere where people are different.  It is time that people, individuals, take the responsibility that comes with our freedoms, and our rights, because you cannot have them without the responsibility, and with responsibility comes accountability.  The government cannot assume our responsibility!

Meanwhile, if you are looking for news, one has to read it on the net to get most of it straight.  Fox News, ran the story of the van ‘plunging into the zoo’, and failing to correct it for nearly a day.  It did not plunge into the zoo, only near the zoo, and it killed seven inside the van.  I don’t know why all the networks played it up so much, other than they needed to catch their breath a bit.  Of course, they put to many resources into the Edwards trial, it is obvious he had an affair, he paid out a lot of money, the only question is, was the money paid out in connection directly to his campaign.  It is worth a few lines following the sports and that is about it.
What the news should be telling the people, is what is going on in places like Egypt, Palestine, and other countries that our near bankrupt country is sending billions to help?  What is really taking place when we spend money and military power to oust a leader, and allow radical terrorists to control them because they now have an elective process, overseen by the United Nations?  In addition, we sure can depend on them to oversee something like fair elections, when their interests are in a one-world government and socialists at that; of course, it makes sense if you have a President with the same goals.
Next time I will try to stay focused, nonetheless, some things just happen to be closely related and it gets me fired up.
Until next post, Thanks for visiting.  PB


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