Conservative victory … not yet
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Get Ready For A War |
Not so
NEW, news flash!
It was
not long ago that I hinted at Romney gaining the Republican nominee for the
presidential race this time around.
real conservatives would rather it be someone more representative of the
conservative ideologies, which Senator Santorum was more suited than Mitt
Romney. Sad to say the Senator suspended
his campaign, Newt Gingrich stopped his
and Ron Paul is it out to show that he has longsuffering, (some people really
like pain).
it is not set in stone as of yet, but to my disappointment it does look like
the republicans will have some hard fast healing and uniting to get through to
pull this election off.
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Give 'em' some Tea |
we will need the support of the Tea Partiers, as radical as we may be to the
Liberals, nonetheless, the promises of “contract with America” campaigning that
won the House, has not been quite like I thought it would be, and the
Republicans are lagging behind a bit, so we do need to see some solid
We are
not children and do realize that the Senate’s Harry Reid and the President have
promised not to pass, or veto on what ever comes out of the House. However, we need to see the solid bills that
will reduce the debt and spending, and put jobs back into the American family. Even if they are vetoed or stopped in the
Senate it will show Republicans are trying to do what they were elected to do! That is why I say politicians are
politicians, and don’t think that honesty is a characteristic of many of them.
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Christians Must Stand |
the Evangelical Christians, who are demonized by this administration on a
continuing basis, will now find it will become even uglier for both the Tea
Party, and Evangelicals. I found over
half a million references and pictures on web pages most of which demonize
“evangelicals,” and more that demonize the Tea Party. If you think that is ugly, wait until it gets
down and dirty, because the Democrats have no record to stand on.
Problem is, unlike the Tea Partiers, many of the
Evangelicals will hibernate as usual and I fear many will simply stay home
rather than vote for a Mormon. The focus
needs to shift, from knowledge gained from a critics understanding, and what
the press puts out, to one of knowledge gained from studying their theological
doctrines and beliefs. Think about it,
and you know I am telling the truth even at the risk of scorn from my denomination.
keep in mind, many other Christian denominations, have bought into much of the
demonization of Christianity by liberals, the ACLU, so-called Atheists, and for
the past four and a half years the demonization of fundamental Christianity at
the hands of the Democratic leadership in Washington D.C., and from the
shadows, demonizing from the ‘Liberal Theologists’ and ‘Liberation Theologists’.
Do I
believe that Mormons are Christian?
No! Nevertheless, the argument
will be between Evangelical voters, to some it will mean to vote for a Mormon
would be against God, and a change of mind about their Christian doctrines. To others, it will be a vote for a man to
represent us in the Whitehouse. One that
has what it takes to get things turned around and who shares most of the same
Obama administration, and Obama himself, taking shots at the Christian faith,
(especially the Bible belt), Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid, the Black Caucus and
other liberal groups. In order to keep
the vote these groups of Christians who have abandoned some of their
theological foundations for political correctness, will wage all-out dirty
war. The liberal politicians have focused
on evangelism,
because it is a foundational block in the more aggressive and fundamental
denominations of Christianity. Therefore,
to enlarge the split in orthodox Christianity, political correctness has
re-defined the word evangelical, evangelism, and fundamentals to mean
something sinister and radically against our government.
We have
witnessed, what once was sound biblical denominations, abandon Christian doctrine for
the “easy road” Simply because some Christians cannot take the heat of
persecution. Some of the denominations that
have adopted the sinful ideologies promoted by politicians in the name of civil
liberties are near division within their own particular denominations.
is, liberal politicians will use the differences of Mormon and Christian
doctrine to further divide Christians, mainly Evangelicals. They will use the commitment that Gov. Romney
has for his faith and belief, to either break that commitment, or create additional
divisions within Christianity. It all
means big blocks of votes for the liberals.
back where the rubber meets the hi-way, we better “cling to our bibles” and our
sure faith that God will give us strength, because we are going to need it when
this fight gets ugly, and ugly it will be.
criticism of Mormonism will actually not originate in the Christian community,
but that is where the focus will be. The
question will be asked by NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSMBC, HUFFINGTON POST, or
one of those heathen commentators; ‘is Mormonism a cult?’ At which time any Evangelical Christian
Pastor will answer “yes,” from there, it will go nuts and really be very ugly! Even though they agree theologically, the
focus will be on the vote, if some of the Evangelicals, (largest religious
voting block), do not show up to vote, it will be like a vote for Obama, and
his agenda.
the Southern Baptist Convention held in Salt Lake City, the evangelicals took a
real bad rap from the liberal press, and all of Christianity became an intolerant
religion, against Mormons, this is when the liberals were pushing for
the recognition of the gay community as a minority and thereby giving them the
civil liberties under a minority status.
The chances being good, that the Mormons would vote with the Christians. However, many conservative Mormons would feel
the heat and stay home as well.
Gays or not, the people involved had to have the
same civil rights as any other citizen. They
really did not have to have the government name them as a minority to have
civil rights. Nonetheless, Christians who
were “clinging to their biblical doctrines, were labeled “intolerant!”
when the Baptist Convention was held in Salt Lake City, the liberals, thinking
they were joining forces with the Mormons demonized the Baptists as intolerant;
the liberal push to divide the Christian community included women’s
rights. I remember cartoon
characterizations of Baptist men depicted as Neanderthals dragging their women
along by their hair. I am going through
this, because being a Pastor; I was quite upset at the lack of Baptist
We are
intolerant of SIN
not people, or people groups, or the freedom of others to enjoy what we enjoy. The right to worship the way we may see fit,
or to sin and have no moral values, or civil responsibilities. The freedom of speech to call a sin a sin, or
argue the point, or perhaps to call a non-Christian religion a religious cult;
after all, we Christians are called a religious cult or worse by other
religions because we are incorrect according to their beliefs, and we believe
differently. Obama’s administration
calls us extremists and Nancy Pelosi
has called us terrorists, because if
you remember, to be politically correct we had to use the term “Muslim extremists” and not just Muslim
terrorist, so the liberals tacked extremists to Fundamental Evangelical
Christians at the beginning, and now it serves the same purpose to just call us
served as Pastor in a Baptist church in Utah, I found that many Christians did
not have an in-depth knowledge of the validity of their Christian doctrines,
and the doctrines that ran common through Christian denominations. I knew of the problem of witnessing to the
Mormon people, after all, many of my family, and many of my friends are Mormon,
I was raised most of my life in Utah and know that just as the fundamental
Christian “Bible Belt”, has good people it also has bad. Do I think Mormonism is a religious cult? By definition, yes, and I also know that they
believe different in their theology.
In order
to help my congregation have a better understanding of the Christian doctrines,
as well as a better understanding of Mormon doctrines, I started a Bible study
on the difference between the two, because you cannot witness to a
Mormon by attacking what it is they believe, it only closes the door. The best is to communicate a difference in
doctrine, by using what they teach, not what someone else wrote about what they
believe, then agree there is a difference, next ask questions. This study has now become a two-book project,
one a Bible study, the other a companion book, the Bible study is Mormon
friendly, the companion book is more critical and less friendly. It is Orthodox Christianity vs. Mormonism, (a
study in difference).
It is
correct jargon for a Christian pastor to call Mormonism a cult, but it is not
correct to have televangelist, and pastors call them the devil, or evil people,
or that they have horns, and the list goes on.
There is a great gulf of difference in Christian theology and Mormon theology;
and according to Christian doctrine, it means eternity in Heaven or Hell,
however, small is the difference in some principals and values. It is my studied opinion that Mitt Romney
will not try to push or favor the Mormons over anyone else. It would be counter productive for him and
the Mormon Church for him to do so.
Mormon people are good people, they believe in strong families, morals, values,
ethics, freedom, and fought side by side to keep this country what it is, (even
though they was pushed into a land that
everyone else thought was useless). With
its, (United States), values and ethics as being foundational to our Republic;
and they served us well. There are some
things that I don’t like about Romney, however, if he does pull this off, and
it looks like he will, the fight will be on, and sooner or later his religion
will be an issue, and in all respect for our Baptist leaders, the word “cult”
will be used. I want my readers to know
this: although the word is a correct word, a better response would be something like, “the LDS (Mormons), believe
differently than I do, however, we do agree in many areas of government and
values.” That way, we will not be pushed
into a fundamental Evangelical Christian fight.
The way is narrow, and the going will be hard, more over, remember this,
you are not calling him to be your Pastor you are voting for him and his social
and governing ideologies outside of religion.
Of course, religion has a great influence on ideologies; however, it being
my studied opinion, they differ very little from what I want in presidential
representation and leadership.
He tends
to lean somewhat moderate, however, that could turn out to be a plus. Do not let the devil rob you of your right
and duty to vote. Of course, I hope that
the Republican wins the white house, but we will have to have a conservative
majority in the House and Senate to get our nation back on track as the
greatest nation in the world. So no
matter if you are voting for Senate, House, or President do not let the Obama
socialist, liberal machine silence your vote or your voice. Keep in mind, if you are a conservative,
liberal, independent, or a little of all of them. If you love your country, with its good and
bad, with the freedoms people enjoy without even considering them, then you
have the choice. If you would like to
see it more like Greece, Spain, France, Iran, the old USSR, Germany or most of
Europe, or the Middle East, you still have a choice. Pastors should not tell you who to vote for,
but to vote for the person most fitting to the principals that you believe in
and try to practice.
will attempt to split the conservative Christian vote over the Mormon
issue. Don’t let the devil rob you of
your vote! It will happen if you let
voting for a Mormon be an issue. Mormonism
is not a threat to the nation, however, Sheriah law and socialism is a real
threat, it is not picking the lesser of two evils, it is not comparing apples
to apples, and finding the least rotten.
It is
however, a vote to salvage and attempt to repair our nation, and salvage it
from European style Socialism, only worse, -- Egypt comes to mind.
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