
Empty Heads Don't Fill Empty Chambers

There Is No One In The House Empty Chamber (between the ears) When did you last study the lists of headline news stories coming from your news feeds?  It is getting to be an act of terrorism to post these ‘teaser headlines’ many of them have no relevance to the story, but they sure get your attention from the headlines.  Most of the feeds are guilty of this even the conservative news outlets, such as Fox News, Town Hall, The Blaze TV, and many conservative blogs.  Perhaps, I have a psychiatric or the dreaded (not being derogatory), “personality disorder”, there is a long line of people who believe I do; nonetheless, I become frustrated when the media will not stay on point!  The mainstream media purposely buries any type of follow-up, for political gain.  And the few reliable news sources are nearly always sidetracked by these diversions of none issue, meaningless baits.  With the Obama “scandals”, which involve many more than this ...

Phony Scandals is just DISRESPECT

Phony Scandals   Bring your lunch ... this is a long post. A n imaginary statement to the President, his lying cronies in the Whitehouse, Federal Judges, the Justices of the Supreme Court; to the Senate, emphasis on Harry Reid, Mitch O’Connell, and to the full congress, emphasis on Boehner and Pelosi.  To the shameless liberal media and their blatant conspiracy to lie, mislead, and promote the liberal ideologies of this administration. For the excessively few who read my blogs and really think, I am bad enough not to pass them on, especially where they have resources to get them noticed by major conservatives in the broadcast industry.  I do not worry about the NSA because they read it before anyone, except Google or other counterfeit social networking groups, who keep track of political correctness. And to the ones who host my blogs, although they do better if someone can afford to upgrade their blogs ...

Death and Poverty as Collateral Damage

On Immigration and Border Security Collateral Damage Immigration and Security is about VOTES  First, let’s get some things straight, I am against Amnesty in any form, nonetheless, we do have a problem which is not going to be easily solved especially the way congress is going after it.  Their motivation is not a secure border, it is not concerned about the thousands of Mexican nationals dying in the deserts of the southwest nor drowning in the river along the Texas line.  It is all about controlling votes and nothing more or nothing less.  The bureaucrats in Washington, on both sides of the isle want to do to the Mexican-American like they have been able to do with the African-Americans, in a sense, they will enslave them and the progressives in government, civil rights activists will be their new salve masters.  Thousands Die in the Desert The D...
Have Conservatives Become So Stupefied, or Just Suckered? The conservative, (?), Republicans need to step back and look at the whole battlefield, not just the latest muzzle-flash.  Can you imagine a battle commander who loses the war because he spent the time and energy attempting to exploit and scrutinize each cannon muzzle-flash on the front line of the enemy?   He loses the war while attempting to win the newest conflict.  And that is where the Republican politicians are finding themselves.  Let’s look at the list of battles over the past four years; then look at the position we as conservative – freedom loving – constitutionalists find ourselves. We have the unresolved: ü   Black Panther voter intimidation scandal ü   The national debt, (17 trillion). ü   Deficit spending. ü   Jobs ü   Obamacare (socialized medicine). ü   Boarder Security     Law suit against Arizona for their own immigration law...
  "We Would Never -- Ever Misuse all this Information" Just a short post, however, it seems something is totally getting out of hand during these so-called scandals plaguing Obama, it seems that the more he tries to shift the talking point the more he steps in the cow %@!$$@()*&^ .  Today in California, he tried to tell us “you can’t have 100% security and have 100% privacy.”  No, I really doubt if the government could ever achieve that task, but nonetheless, yes Mr. Obama, it is called – Do not spy on a private citizens without “Due Cause,” Mr. Obama, and his team of liars, and Mr. DOJ “we choose what laws to follow, and what ones we don’t want to follow,” Holder.  So Mr. Obama, when you realize we are not as dumb as you sound like you think we are, you and your band of ugly, including Reid, and Pelosi can stop trying to collapse our Nation! 

PB's Commentary: The Necessity of PovertyBy: R.S. Helms.Facts a...

PB's Commentary: The Necessity of PovertyBy: R.S. Helms. Facts a... : The Necessity of Poverty By: R.S. Helms. Facts are Facts While rewriting the rewrite of the rewrite of my book dealing wi...
The Necessity of Poverty By: R.S. Helms. Facts are Facts While rewriting the rewrite of the rewrite of my book dealing with the problems of addiction, alcoholism, and   homelessness, in the ghetto setting, with all the tentacles reaching into the already impoverished neighborhoods of our subculture, which traps and enslaves its people. Poverty affects all races, all religions, and all subcultures of the United States, however, when we address poverty, all minds turn to the African-American.  This is not because they are largest ethnic group in poverty, nor the largest ethnic group, the Hispanic has now taken number two spot.  (white non-Hispanic 64%; Hispanic 16%; Black non-Hispanic 12%; Asia 5%; Native American 1%).. it is impossible to get any sort of good figures on the percentages on poverty, not that there is not a lot of numbers available, but each group has their own set of numbers, depending on what cause they are following or who did the r...