Death and Poverty as Collateral Damage

On Immigration and Border Security
Collateral Damage

Immigration and Security is about VOTES

 First, let’s get some things straight, I am against Amnesty in any form, nonetheless, we do have a problem which is not going to be easily solved especially the way congress is going after it.  Their motivation is not a secure border, it is not concerned about the thousands of Mexican nationals dying in the deserts of the southwest nor drowning in the river along the Texas line.  It is all about controlling votes and nothing more or nothing less. 

The bureaucrats in Washington, on both sides of the isle want to do to the Mexican-American like they have been able to do with the African-Americans, in a sense, they will enslave them and the progressives in government, civil rights activists will be their new salve masters. 

Thousands Die in the Desert

The Desert Does Not Discriminate 
        The progressive Republicans with a compromise (making the reform seem like a non-amnesty bill), without having a secured border, is just an attempt of retaining perhaps less than a third of the Hispanic votes.  Blame for opposing the bill will go to the conservative constitutionalists, thereby keeping a good voter base for the progressives.  Liberals are just plain out of their minds and admit it, but throw in the flawed, unreal employment concept, regardless of which one you pick the progressive Republican or the liberal mis-information crowd, none have the Mexican immigrant or their safety in mind! 

Collateral Damage "Death" 

Proud To Be Mexican American
Fact is, none of the bureaucrats seems to give a flip about the people, outside of sending them back, and fixing the problem of the wait time for them to come to the United States legally, and with the peace of mind that comes with not having to worry about profiling or most of the negative stress of hiding out. 

Truth is, those who do come for a job, school, or just to pursue their aspirations of a better life, to be able to live the infamous “American Dream”, need to be here, and the United States need them here!

I have an Mexican family, They are hard working proud people, as was the Hispanic community in Salt Lake City, Utah, of course there were some, (Mexican gangsters), but not any more than the blacks or the whites.  Point is, if the United States can put a man on the moon, they can fix the Mexican immigration and border problem faster than all these politicians can in Washington, proposing and opposing all nature of bills.

Drug Cartel Violence 

Caring not about the people who simply want to leave the conditions of Mexico to better care for their families, and pursue their happiness.
This Is The Tragedy 
Mother's Tears
I have seen the poverty of Texas and the Southwest, it is not a very pretty sight.  I have also studied and researched the brutal deaths in the scorching relentless heat of the desert, and West

Texas, and to allow that to continue is barbaric, and we reduce our people to the level of the coyotes, and smugglers who leave people, including the women and children, in the desert to die, all for money.  Our politicians on the other hand enable this behavior to continue for votes.

The pictures I have placed in this post are not easy to view, nonetheless, it is real and it is happening now, and if the border is not secured first, then it will only increase.  Immigrants will risk life, and what little money they have put together to pay some sleazy smuggler to try to get them across.  More deaths, more body bags, more of humanity wasted. 

If someone calls what is going on, wrong, then we are tagged as racist, ‘old white cracker is against Mexicans.’  Just like whites are against blacks, and the same is now homophobic against gays!  The name-tagging tactic of the liberal thug intimidation has just about lost its intimidating power, so they will try to intimidate some other way, which is the Obama ‘get even’ Chicago style in your face retribution.

The politicians, civil rights activists, and liberal racists are keeping the division going and strong, and as long as they can keep the angry division going they can control the vote.

Crossing The Border

It is my opinion, that some of these fat-cat embedded politicians need to make the journey with just one family, or group from the staging town in Mexico, until they leave the ‘stash’ house in one of the border towns.  I do believe it would give them a completely new perspective on where to focus compassion.  I don’t know but it makes sense to me, if I have a running faucet on a water tank, to stop the flow, I need to shut the faucet off.  If we expect to stop people from illegally crossing the border, (regardless of intention), we need to secure the border, (shut the faucet off).

There is no easy fix to the question of what do we do to help the millions of illegal immigrants, who risked life and fortune to live here, stay here.  If I had the answer I would not be sitting here writing about it I would be doing it.  I don’t know how to put a man on the moon, other than … put him in a landing craft, attach it to another craft at the end of a big rocket, and lite the fuse.  But there were people who knew how to put pieces together, and soon they put a man on the moon. 

Americans are not dumb; even though the politicians want us to believe we are, and we have the resources to reform our immigration laws, to help the ones who need it now, while at the same time curtail the flow.  We can do just that.  First, we must change our intention for the change from voting blocs.  2010-11 the number of border crossings dropped, and the liberals used their press to let everyone know their plan is working. 

Sorry, but it was not, the reason the crossings dropped was unemployment in was taking its toll.  It no longer was attractive enough for the good people to break the law, risking life and fortune to get here if they could not find work.

All the liberal free stuff promises are being broadcast all over the world, and of course there is those who will show up just for that.  Then there will be those who will attempt to cross the border just to avoid the long wait to get here legally.  Many more will die, in the back of eighteen-wheelers, in the deserts of the Southwest, or in the nasty water of the Rio Grande; attempting to flee to a better life, perhaps from the violence of the drug cartels, but whatever it is that  makes the risk worth taking.

We need border security followed by a major overhaul of the immigration code. 

R.S. Helms 


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