The Necessity of Poverty
By: R.S. Helms.
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Facts are Facts |
While rewriting the rewrite of the rewrite of my book
dealing with the problems of addiction, alcoholism, and
homelessness, in the
ghetto setting, with all the tentacles reaching into the already impoverished neighborhoods
of our subculture, which traps and enslaves its people.
Poverty affects all races, all religions, and all
subcultures of the United States, however, when we address poverty, all minds
turn to the African-American. This is
not because they are largest ethnic group in poverty, nor the largest ethnic
group, the Hispanic has now taken number two spot. (white non-Hispanic 64%; Hispanic 16%; Black
non-Hispanic 12%; Asia 5%; Native American 1%).. it is impossible to get any
sort of good figures on the percentages on poverty, not that there is not a lot
of numbers available, but each group has their own set of numbers, depending on
what cause they are following or who did the research.
The civil rights activists are drawing excellent salaries,
(six figures plus), and the community organizers getting a good salary great
benefits, and what are they organizing? The
organizers are teaching and aiding in how to commit fraud using government-funded
programs; they teach and organize against moral values, against community
responsibility, neighborhood responsibility, and family. They show how to make the most on welfare,
food stamps, section eight housing and the list goes on. Some of these programs are very good and
legitimately help people who are determined to escape the new slavery they are
trapped in.
To escape the trap of the new slavery, the people need to
stop listening to the propaganda spewing forth from the mouths of the very ones
that are supposed to be helping them. From
the theological aspect, the African-American community needs to run from the
so-called pastors and churches that are endorsing liberal theology, liberation
theology, and Atheism, which is the foundation of the ACLU.
The African-American community should stop listening to the
organizers, congressional ‘black caucus’, name calling African-Americans as
“uncle toms”, just for speaking out to encourage others to move beyond the
entitlements, work hard, get a real and honest earned, education and pursue
their American dream.
above all don’t
listen to me--- I am only a “cookie” conservative Christian who is concerned
about African-Americans, Hispanics, and white folk, who are actually
impoverished, trapped and exploited for the “common good.” Where all you are doing is lining the pockets
of phony civil rights activists, who are making over six figures for doing
nothing constructive in combating your poverty;
politicians, liberal/liberation theology pastors, civil rights activist,
and the black radical bully organizations – Black Panthers – NAACP – Nation of
Islam – community organizers and their organizations, as was ACORN
Alternatively, some
liberal politician is trying to sell you another program, or promise you some
sort of utopia through a social government and you giving up your vote for
them, white or black. Nonetheless, do
not listen to me, get up from off your butt and dig into what is
Votes and greed is the motivation, and it is on your backs
that they do it. They have taken your
family values, neighborhood, community, even your children, the schools, law
enforcement; but worse yet, self-respect.
Changed your culture’s pride, and will.
It cannot do anything but trap you in your poverty. I have just told you who the “new slave
masters” are and how poverty is a necessity for them to continue to be the new
slave masters. Don’t you think it is
time for another emancipation fight or would you rather just live the way they
want you to live?
It is sad, that the African-American, and now the Hispanic
communities, have been terribly manipulated for personal gain, and politics and
there is no real hope left. It is sad
when 28% of Americans are being used, and enslaved to liberal leaders for evil
What we see on the mainstream media does not make
sense. We see a black mob of militant
protesters protesting against the police and school administration for not
providing laws and security against the street gangs intimidating and bulling
the children. Then last evening in our neighboring parish, the news was
broadcasting a similar black mob of militant protesters protesting against a
school that instituted a “zero tolerance” policy against fighting on the school
property, and that zero tolerance policy called for a trip to the sheriff’s
jail, not a trip to the principal’s office and a note to the parents.“Blacks are being singled out” – “its racial
discrimination”, that is the cry of the hypocritical lazy big government
brainless slaves that protest and race bait everything that comes along. Want a law, then will not obey the very law
or policy they wanted; -- it makes no sense.
“racism” is the key tool used in the nasty separation or division of the
races, not the everyday black, white, Hispanic, or Native American.
It is the people, which are being used by the
liberal—progressive government and phony religious clergy members, who keep the
race issue the major divisive tool keeping America split, and the poor even
poorer. The day will come when the poorest
of our nation will no longer have the right to break away from the situation
and make something out of their lives.
The “middle class” will be no longer, and we all will be just like the
rest of the world!
One thing further, I would like to say that it is not a
black vs. white issue, it is not a rich vs. poor issue, actually it is not a
left vs. right issue; it is however, a spiritual battle, God vs. Satan battle,
evil vs. good battle. It is the name of
the battle that Satan the tempter has been engaged in since Eve took the first
bite of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden.
The tree of life and
of death, the same lie, (surely, you won’t die), the same tempter, (Satan),
just different pawns to play the deception game; his scripted deceitful leaders
who promise – a utopia, and what they do and what we do has to be for the
common good. It is a lie; the only
common good is only common to the elite leaders and politicians of the global
I know that the masses are not as stupid as the liberal
movement tells us we are, I know that the hopelessly impoverished trying to
survive the ghetto are not as dumb as the civil rights activists and
politicians make you think you are, it
is time to stop believing the lie. It is
not flesh and bone that we battle, but the evil and corrupt of the world!
I know that I will be called a Bible nut, conspiracy whack o,
racist, Christian Bible thumper, or whatever the liberals want to call me; any
more, that does not bother me. True the
government has been corrupt for decades, politicians who are honest and
truthful are rare, but that does not mean that the truth is a bad thing; however,
in politics it is irrelevant because the end justifies the means”.
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There is Room for You |
Although, it does say that those who don’t want the truth,
must be first, hand-in-hand with evil, but, the truth will shine as a light and
expose their sin. Dismiss me as you
wish, there are plenty of liberals who will sing
your song. Nevertheless, you and your song will be
thrown under the dreaded “bus” at the whim of this administration, or liberal –
progressive congress, “for the common good” of the party. On the other hand, should I say the common
welfare of evil
Poverty is necessary for the politicians, to broaden their
voting base, you know the empty promises of making it better. It is necessary for the civil rights
activists, such as Al Sharpton, who has several dummy corporations some are
“for profit” just to have avenues of legitimacy in order to justify his six figure
plus income, then still he manages to be messed up with tax evasion. Jessie Jackson, The Black Panther Party, The
Nation of Islam (Louis Farrakhan), The NAACP, The Congressional Black Caucus,
and numerous organizations such as “volunteer America”, ACORN, and others.
Their voting base, their power, their racism, their “Black
liberation theology, and “social justice” movement all need the poor black
people, and now the push for the Hispanic poverty bloc, which will add
something like 20 million liberal votes, so look out for the bus. Do not think that Obama will not throw the
black American under the bus to get additional liberal votes to carry his
ideologies forward.
This is the same man that said he could no more detach
himself from his pastor,(rev. Wright), than his grandmother… where is his
pastor now? Within weeks, he had thrown
Pastor Wright not only under the bus, but also to the wolves!
Lie to me once, shame on me, lie to me twice and shame on
you – nonetheless, we all know they cannot lie to God and not be held
accountable. Yes, -- and you know I am
telling the truth, -- there is a necessity for poverty; and we may never break
through the chains and truly set the people free; and then maybe it is because
the people don’t want to be free?
The misuse of the Bible and Social Justice, the promise of
redistribution of wealth, coming from the fraudulent so called civil rights
activists; the empty promises of the corrupt politicians, is making the
necessity of poverty, more like the ‘the new slaves’ and the ones doing it is
the new slave masters.
Once the people come together, and stop the name calling and
race baiting stupidity, the quicker God will work out the injustices, and the
dream of the greatest African-American leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, will be
the base of moving forward as a culture and society.
It has been twenty-five plus years, to get back were we once
were, after making some fair progress.
Do not expect for to make up that gap without some tough hard work, and
sound leadership. Poverty is the new
slave master, the old slave master needed a civil war to free the enslaved, we
need God and an understanding of what it is that we are fighting.
We are fighting spiritual wickedness, the prince of the air,
principalities and darkness of this world.
With the liberals it is always “the end justifies the means” so there is
no rules, except their rules, it is not going to be easy for the
African-Americans, or the Mexican-American to do, but it needs to be done, one
must look at the truth, stop believing the lie, move forward with commitment,
resolve, and hard work; from that you will be free and the opportunity to
achieve your dream.
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