Phony Scandals is just DISRESPECT
Phony Scandals
An imaginary statement to the President, his lying cronies
in the Whitehouse, Federal Judges, the Justices of the Supreme Court; to the
Senate, emphasis on Harry Reid, Mitch O’Connell, and to the full congress,
emphasis on Boehner and Pelosi. To the
shameless liberal media and their blatant conspiracy to lie, mislead, and
promote the liberal ideologies of this administration.
For the excessively few who read my blogs and really think,
I am bad enough not to pass them on, especially where they have resources to
get them noticed by major conservatives in the broadcast industry. I do not worry about the NSA because they
read it before anyone, except Google or other counterfeit social networking
groups, who keep track of political correctness. And to the ones who host my
blogs, although they do better if someone can afford to upgrade their blogs
from the freebee to the pro, and more noticeable and promotable programs;
however, I am at their mercy, and grateful for the freebees on my $650.00 a
month income.
Personally, I do not think I am that bad of a writer,
especially reading some of the mainline commentators, and some of the noted
conservative bloggers, but that may be just a bit of narcissism oozing
out. Nevertheless, it does give me an
outlet for my frustrations while I am writing a book. With all that said, and emphasis on my main
targets, politicians and the liberal media, I shall continue on a very serious
In the last year, I have posted at least six relevant blog
posts on two separate blog hosts, concerning these “phony scandals” so I have a
stake when it comes to the spit in the face from our politicians; I say spit in
the face, because it is more of an insult than a slap in the face. Nonetheless, it is as a rude jester compared
to the blatant dishonoring insults our government is dishing out to the Terry
family, the families of the Benghazi American sacrifice for the Obama agenda. the flat out insults to the thousands of
families who have lost their loved ones in the military, and those heroes who
have lost limbs and suffered at the hand of their commander in chief. Who is never going to admit his treasonous
behavior in enabling his Muslim Brotherhood to support the terrorists who we
are supposed to be at war with; “phony
scandals?” Shame!
December 15, 2010, a United States Border Agent was murdered at the hands of the Mexican
drug cartel operatives inside the boarder of Arizona. His name is Brian Terry, a real name, belonging to a real American. He has real American parents and family, he
is not just a mishap of a failed Bush Administration operation. First, it is my studied opinion that you Mr.
President revised the operation to fit with your agenda, you sir, authorized
the operation through your hand picked racist radical friend Erick Holder.
For you to deny any firsthand knowledge is
simply another lie in a multitude of lies.
In addition, when you sir, tire of exposure to the people you serve you
spend a $100,000.00 to $500,000.00 to vacation your family. At least you have your entire family to
vacation, The Terry family don’t have that, thanks to you, and the cronies you
have put around you to lie for you while your absent; which you are most of the
time. Nevertheless, you have the
audacity to continue to insult your victims’ families! It has been nearly three years since Brian
Perry was murdered, and still there is no accountability, only arrogant
9-11-2012, a place called Benghazi where ambassador Christopher Stevens, along
with real Americans Sean Smith, Glen
Doherty, Tyrone Woods, were murdered at the hands of Muslim jihadist, with
bold ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. while you slept all comfy, and supposedly
unaware of what was happening half-way around the world, I guess in a way that
is the only truth you have ever spoken concerning this murder. On the other-hand you knew before hand and
must have given instructions to someone, perhaps even, (most assuredly), to
your Marxist Secretary of State. a
superbly bad liar, Hillary Clinton,
of course she would have to worry about her subordinates herself, but the
message as I picture it, was -- if things go wrong, don’t involve our military,
just stand down. Then you and
sweetness did a bad job of covering it up.
Even denied the President, which you helped into power, of Libya when he
reported it was a terrorist attack with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Nonetheless, Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone
Woods, are real people, Americans serving under a bad administration, not just
the victims of a spontaneous Muslim demonstration against a video, that started
in Egypt. That was the lie you and
sweetness delineated for weeks, even after the facts came out and your lips
almost gave away, the day following, “it appears to have been a terrorist
attack, but we won’t know until we complete our investigation.”
Remember, you sent the FBI to investigate an
unsecure crime scene … where a news reporter found a diary the following day, …
where Muslims were photographed carrying boxes of documents from the scene… you
do remember, and how you gave a speech to the United Nations claiming it was a
response to the video.

These are not phony scandals!
Benghazi alone is treasonous at the least! Add dead and wounded Border Agents you are
complicit to murder. They are not to be
brushed off with what is very phony distractions by you, and not by congress,
like civil unrest attempts by race baiting, and your boy Trayvon Martin, and
Zimmerman will not work out, as you wanted.
Although your racist friends, Sharpton and Jackson are out there
continuing to run their mouths about race over the tragic situation,
nonetheless, they continue with your lead on making this a racial incident. Over the past several years, you all have
nearly worn out the effectiveness of the antiquated “Race Card”.
With the IRS, NSA, problems, they are real, real attempts by your
administration to ignore the constitutional rights of the citizens. The discrimination against conservative
entities to apply for tax exemption is serious and blatantly denying the
constitutional right to privacy by having the NSA spy on the citizens. The motivation behind these is the phony
aspects, the disregard for constitutional rights of “we the people”… guess that
would be filled under your agenda and ideologies. So where do you get off attempting to coerce
and intimidate congress and the people of the United States, by calling serious
problems with your leadership, phony?
People, real people have died; even innocent Mexican nationals in
Mexico, for your agenda and lies. Sir do
not disrespect the American People any more with your BS, that is serious and
not phony.
So laugh it off and spin it how you want, “we the people”
have politicians in congress, and they are nearly corrupt as you, some, like
Pelosi, Reid, McCain, and Boehner have come close but not quite as bad. What we do have, is a spineless bunch of
politicians who will try anything for votes, and especially now that mid-term
elections are coming. There might be a
few from both sides of the isle who are sincere about serving their country and
constituents, who would be worth the vote; otherwise they are a bunch of
spineless, mentally challenged, stupid’s who are not above doing anything to
stay in their cushy jobs!
Your crew at MSMBC is doing you a favor nor the
African-American community with their continued race baiting rhetoric and
blatant lies. Chris Matthews, is one of
the top contenders for your praise sir, he needs to fact check his rants before
he opens his mouth, about your good qualities. mostly because good qualities will not gather
any DNC votes based on what you have actually done, the American people, even
the liberals are not as brain dead, as Mr. Matthews would like to believe we
Thing is, STOP disrespecting the dead who died, their families;
the military, and the American people by calling your scandals and diversions
phony! You own them, and like I said;
stand up like a man, not a cowardly dog blaming someone else.
Please note, I have no animosity towards
dog’s , but in lieu of better synonyms; dog was good, it gets my message across
and is still legal to use in net postings.
People, American citizens, and soldiers have died and been maimed for
your phony butt, it is time that you started to show respect for the American
people, and America – after all you like to be called Mr. President – it is
time you started to act like one!
Congress in both houses, it is time that you stopped
pretending to care about your constituents and the great Americans who, (God
only knows why), put you in office with pacific duties and responsibilities, it
is time to stop worrying more about getting votes, and push back. Stop pretending to care, and hopping that
over time and a few diversions people will forget about the investigations into
these serious scandals; they will not! Though
the liberal press and even conservative talk shows will lose focus, the people
will not, and if you cannot multitask and take care of business, – you are in
the wrong job –.
It is very evident from
your approval rating, (70 plus % disapprove), you are definitely being paid too
much, and have too many benefits; otherwise, it would be more important to
serve the people, rather than be so self-serving. The dead, the families, our military who have
died, and been maimed, and the American people deserve more respect than your
cowardly apathetic behavior!
It besets my understanding, to have men, (used lightly),
cower to the blame, and name game that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, McCain, even
Boehner with his tears and spineless sell out character, spew out, to
intimidate you into doing what they want you to do! Have you no pride, or better, real character, character that befits
the office? I do not see it exhibited
but by very few.
To my readers, is it not about time to stop allowing our
elected politicians from further disrespect and intimidation? That is how they enslave us to larger and
larger government, enslave us to the corrupt politics, which is destroying our
nation, our beliefs, our values and principles.
The politicians continually tell us we are brainless, and do not know
what this country needs; only they do.
However, when election time comes around, they set up a façade that they
will represent us and protect our nation; they have a thousand excuses, and
point a thousand fingers, all in a spirit of deception and fraudulent
representation of their true character.
They prostitute themselves for the vote, and another four years to
enlarge the government and control our lives.
For me, it is the time to put a stop to it all, they should make a salary,
which would represent the average salary of the labor force, any increase in
salary, or benefits, including retirement needs to be approved by their state
district by vote. That may stop some of
the charlatans, and frauds from applying.
What I think has happened with the current administration
is, we have encountered a new bold push of liberalism and tyrannical control
over the nation! It has set a precedence
of intimidation and bulling, it has set a precedence of anti-American behavior,
and it has set a precedence to disrespect individuals, the American people, and
our laws.
I saved the photos for the end, that we might be mindful of
our fallen, their families, and our troops, for their sacrifices! … In
all humility … Thank you.
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