
Aurora Colorado Tragedy in the City

Aurora Colorado Tragedy In The City Aurora Colorado is a decent sized city, which butts up against Denver to the East and South, and in most part, it is an average city of 325,000 plus residents.  The average age of 33.2 yrs. sets it as a younger wage earner community and caters to that age group.  With several golf courses and 24hr, fitness centers a dozen or more coffee shops, an abundance of k-12 schools, an adequate number of hospitals, and a police department that could be larger but adequate.  Crime is not going rampantly out of control, but Aurora has its share of murders; 7.1 per 100,000 residents; and three of the three death row inmates in Colorado, are from Aurora. In all accounts, Aurora Colorado is a tame community situated just a stone’s throw from the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, which provide a grand vista of snow capped mountains and foothills giving way to the prairie where...


Integrity, According to secular terms 1)     Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. a.         The state of being unimpaired; soundness. b.         The quality or condition of being whole or undivided, completeness . According to religious terms 2)     Integrity, comes to us in the Hebrew and is found many times in the Old Testament. And is translated from the Heb.<Tome> (tum-mah) which is the fem. of (tom) – tome – a.     Innocence, Innocent, b.     Completeness, full, fullness, upright,                                     i.     Doing right, living righteously...
Conservative victory … not  yet Get Ready For A War Not so NEW, news flash! It was not long ago that I hinted at Romney gaining the Republican nominee for the presidential race this time around.  Many real conservatives would rather it be someone more representative of the conservative ideologies, which Senator Santorum was more suited than Mitt Romney.  Sad to say the Senator suspended his campaign,  Newt Gingrich stopped his and Ron Paul is it out to show that he has longsuffering, (some people really like pain).  Although it is not set in stone as of yet, but to my disappointment it does look like the republicans will have some hard fast healing and uniting to get through to pull this election off. Give 'em' some Tea   First, we will need the support of the Tea Partiers, as radical as we may be to the Liberals, nonetheless, the promises of “contract with America” campa...
Follow Up, (or beating a dead horse). The Cry For 'Justice' Continues             I was rather upset over the way the Zimmerman vs black racists America became the red meat the media.  And we all witnessed how they served it up.  But it is now beyond the hearing to increase his bail, because he and his family was lying about their wealth, wealth that was not there until people started sending money, which was not until after the first bail hearing.  One should wonder if everything is not as it appears.  Of course, not, the liberal media has shown its dirty underwear on this one from the get-go.  I do not need to go into the way the media chopped, spliced, and contorted the whole incident.  In addition, today they are still showing the pictures of the innocent fifteen-year-old boy.  I read a piece about the lawyer who chased this story right to the doorstep of Sybrina...

what is really going on?

What is really going on? Politicians keep us guessing First, somewhere in recent history, I wrote on the “shell game,” this article is still about the shell game, in a way.  In a way that this is an election year, (it seems every year is an election year); however, this year is somewhat different in as much as it may well be the dirtiest campaign in recent history.  From one side, any one who is a conservative or white Christian will be demonized as a racist. From the conservative side any one who is a liberal will be demonized as a socialist, welfare state which just wants the government to take the responsibly of life, and anti-constitutionalist.  These things will become the ingredients of the new shell game of addressing issues. One of the problems this presents is, the political shenanigans practiced in Washington not always are based on distraction, or the “shell game,” on the contrary, much of the deception smacks the conspiracy notion in the raw....